Welcome to the Premium Starter Kit: Peace & Calming, The “Chill-Out” Potion

Today, Lindsey Barger shares her Peace & Calming love and tips! This is the first post in our mini series on the new oils and products featured in the refreshed Premium Starter Kit.

Back in 2013, when I first signed up with Young Living, this little gem was a staple in the Premium Starter Kit. It was an immediate family favorite, especially with the littles.

They loved the smell and it was frequently in the diffuser.

Well, to be honest, I believe it was a love/hate relationship for my kids. It was the calming effect it had on them that they hated. This is where my love of Peace & Calming came in. It was my magic “Chill-Out” potion! It made my husband’s witch doctor jokes a little more valid.

If you are a parent you know about the glorious tantrums a 3 year old can throw. I remember the first time I thought to pull out the Peace & Calming when my precious little boy was performing his best impression of Linda Blair. He was on the floor arching and flailing, screeching and howling. It was the kind of fit in which it is dangerous to try to pick the little darling up. The mom sporting a busted lip kind of fit. Here is one of the great things about using essential oils; you don’t actually have to put the oil on the kid to see the effect. I skeptically put a drop of oil in my hand and rubbed it around 3 times.

His eyes were squeezed tightly shut so he was unaware of my hand about six inches above his nose. With the screeching he was sucking in deep breaths and inadvertently took a deep inhale of the Peace & Calming. His eyes shot open. He sucked in two more deep breaths and relaxed on to the floor. I stood there in amazement.

What just happened? Like I said, I was initially skeptical that this oil would do anything at all, especially with the magnitude of the fit he was throwing. Yet here he was, his breathing returning to normal, his face relaxed, he got up and calmly sat next to me on the couch, like everything was fine! What in the world?! I don’t know what I was expecting exactly, but I’m sure it couldn’t have been that.

After about two more fits remedied with Peace & Calming, my 3 year old was catching on. At this point he would hilariously try to cover his nose and mouth so he wouldn’t smell the oil, even before I would get it out. This was my signal to do so.

We were both learning how effective the oil was. He knew he wanted to be mad and finish his fit, so he would cover his face. I wanted him to chill him out, even if I couldn’t pick him up. Peace & Calming also worked very well on my independent, strong willed 5 year old. And... it worked on me.

I will admit, mommin’ can bring out a not so flattering side of me as well. And that very real moment when your kid brings you the bottle of Peace & Calming and asks, “Momma, do you need some oils?” It can be quite humbling to have your kid call you on your behavior. Clearly it was as much a testament to my kids as it was too me.

Tame your toddler’s (and your’s, while you’re at it) emotional outburst with this ultra-popular blend. Welcome back to the PSK, Peace & Calming!

Tame your toddler’s (and your’s, while you’re at it) emotional outburst with this ultra-popular blend. Welcome back to the PSK, Peace & Calming!

Peace & Calming: Isn’t Just for the Kids

We all have stressful situations. Knowing and preparing before entering that situation can be very beneficial. Here are just a few situations the adults in our family have used P&C.

  • Visiting The Revenue Office

  • Going to the grocery store on a Saturday

  • Leading children’s church on Sunday

  • Helping with Youth Group on Wednesday night

  • Homeschooling...

  • When someone just can’t relax and fall asleep at night

  • Holiday events and family gatherings

  • At the end of a LONG Monday, when you just need an extended and uninterrupted Epsom Salt bath with a couple of drops of Peace & Calming

Putting on a little Peace & Calming will also affect others around you. What a wonderful side effect! Plus, it smells amazing.

Back in the PSK!

We are so excited to have it back in our Premium Starter Kit!

I will admit, I’m an emotional creature and having Peace & Calming in the PSK was such a blessing because it was an oil I could sell! It has so many benefits and covers so many body systems, how could it not be? Check out its ingredients and the associated body systems.


  • Tangerine- Emotional Balance, Immune System, Skin

  • Orange- Digestive and Immune Systems, Emotional Balance, Skin

  • Ylang Ylang- Emotional Balance, Cardiovascular and Hormonal Systems

  • Patchouli- Skin

  • Blue Tansy- Nervous System

Great Application Locations:

  • The insides of wrists

  • Along the carotid arteries on the throat

  • Back of the neck

  • Along the spine

  • Bottoms of the feet

  • Over the tummy (to ease a nervous tummy)

Remember to always inhale the oil deeply. And it is a great oil to use in the beautiful Desert Mist Diffuser.

Of course there are many other uses for this beautiful blue oil. Let us hear your uses in the comments!

Why Raindrop?

We just hosted a Facebook class on the Raindrop technique.

Side Note: Yes, you can attend in your PJs. If that sounds like your kind of class, good news: we host an online class every month! Stay in the know here and here.

If you missed the class, or would love to keep learning, this post is for you. Here’s the spoiler: Raindrop = essential oils + massage.  

The Basics: What is the Raindrop Technique?


Before we go into the why of Raindrop, here’s a quick rundown of the what.

The Raindrop technique was developed by Young Living founder Gary Young back in the 1980s. As he developed this technique, he drew from his experience with Native American wellness traditions. The end result was a revolutionary means of supporting the body and mind.

The technique involves applying therapeutic grade essential oils to the spine, neck and feet. The application process is typically about an hour, but the benefits may last up to a week or more.

The Benefits: Why Raindrop?

What benefits? There are plenty of emotional and physical benefits and here are just a few…

  • Invigorates the Mind

  • Supports Healthy Body Energy and Emotions

  • Aids the Body’s Response to Natural Irritation or Injury

  • Promotes Healthy Circulation

  • Helps with Structural Alignment

  • Supports Stress Level

  • Supports Immune Function

  • Promotes Healthy Respiratory System

  • Promotes Overall Body Wellness

The Beginning: What Oils are in the Raindrop?

The Raindrop Technique includes seven single oils and two oil blends. Check out all the benefits of these individual oils! So many “whys” here.


Thyme is a key ingredient in Ortho Ease massage oil and is great for use after exercise. It is also believed to bring a sense of purpose when used aromatically, and is great for supporting your immune system.


Basil essential oil has a fresh, herbaceous aroma that can be calming, refreshing and bring clarity of thought. It can also help support the respiratory system. Ancient Greeks thought very highly of basil and considered it the “king of plants” and actually used it to anoint kings.


This oil can be diffused to create a stimulating, focused atmosphere for daily tasks. You can also apply it topically to create a cool, tingling sensation on the skin, which can be very soothing after hard physical activity.


As an herb, oregano shines in Italian and Mediterranean cuisine; but as an essential oil, it has a wealth of benefits and uses outside the kitchen. Oregano essential oil’s warm, herbaceous scent is excellent at purifying the air when diffused with oils such as Peppermint. It also pairs especially well  with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex when used in massage for supporting the immune system.


Wintergreen’s refreshing minty aroma is stimulating and invigorating. It’s a great addition to lotions that are applied after activity to support bone and muscle health. It is a key ingredient in our Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream.


Cypress has a fresh, herbaceous aroma that can promote a sense of security and grounding. It is also known for supporting healthy circulation in the body.


Marjoram is a key oil used in the Raindrop Technique and can be used in massage after exercise. It can also be very calming and relaxing. It was known as the “herb of happiness” to the Romans and “joy of the mountains” to the Greeks.


Valor essential oil blend is one of our most popular products and was a favorite of Founder and Chairman of the Board D. Gary Young. A truly unique blend of Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, Geranium, and Frankincense, Valor has a woodsy, grounding aroma that is great for massages and other topical and aromatic uses. Use it to greet each morning with a positive attitude or to refocus at the end of a challenging day.

Aroma Siez™

A key Young Living blend, Aroma Siez™ combines the soothing and relaxing properties of Basil, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint and Cypress. A great blend for supporting healthy bones and muscles.

Is your interest peaked? Stay tuned! We’ll share the how’s of Raindrop soon.