Welcome to the Premium Starter Kit: Peace & Calming, The “Chill-Out” Potion

Today, Lindsey Barger shares her Peace & Calming love and tips! This is the first post in our mini series on the new oils and products featured in the refreshed Premium Starter Kit.

Back in 2013, when I first signed up with Young Living, this little gem was a staple in the Premium Starter Kit. It was an immediate family favorite, especially with the littles.

They loved the smell and it was frequently in the diffuser.

Well, to be honest, I believe it was a love/hate relationship for my kids. It was the calming effect it had on them that they hated. This is where my love of Peace & Calming came in. It was my magic “Chill-Out” potion! It made my husband’s witch doctor jokes a little more valid.

If you are a parent you know about the glorious tantrums a 3 year old can throw. I remember the first time I thought to pull out the Peace & Calming when my precious little boy was performing his best impression of Linda Blair. He was on the floor arching and flailing, screeching and howling. It was the kind of fit in which it is dangerous to try to pick the little darling up. The mom sporting a busted lip kind of fit. Here is one of the great things about using essential oils; you don’t actually have to put the oil on the kid to see the effect. I skeptically put a drop of oil in my hand and rubbed it around 3 times.

His eyes were squeezed tightly shut so he was unaware of my hand about six inches above his nose. With the screeching he was sucking in deep breaths and inadvertently took a deep inhale of the Peace & Calming. His eyes shot open. He sucked in two more deep breaths and relaxed on to the floor. I stood there in amazement.

What just happened? Like I said, I was initially skeptical that this oil would do anything at all, especially with the magnitude of the fit he was throwing. Yet here he was, his breathing returning to normal, his face relaxed, he got up and calmly sat next to me on the couch, like everything was fine! What in the world?! I don’t know what I was expecting exactly, but I’m sure it couldn’t have been that.

After about two more fits remedied with Peace & Calming, my 3 year old was catching on. At this point he would hilariously try to cover his nose and mouth so he wouldn’t smell the oil, even before I would get it out. This was my signal to do so.

We were both learning how effective the oil was. He knew he wanted to be mad and finish his fit, so he would cover his face. I wanted him to chill him out, even if I couldn’t pick him up. Peace & Calming also worked very well on my independent, strong willed 5 year old. And... it worked on me.

I will admit, mommin’ can bring out a not so flattering side of me as well. And that very real moment when your kid brings you the bottle of Peace & Calming and asks, “Momma, do you need some oils?” It can be quite humbling to have your kid call you on your behavior. Clearly it was as much a testament to my kids as it was too me.

Tame your toddler’s (and your’s, while you’re at it) emotional outburst with this ultra-popular blend. Welcome back to the PSK, Peace & Calming!

Tame your toddler’s (and your’s, while you’re at it) emotional outburst with this ultra-popular blend. Welcome back to the PSK, Peace & Calming!

Peace & Calming: Isn’t Just for the Kids

We all have stressful situations. Knowing and preparing before entering that situation can be very beneficial. Here are just a few situations the adults in our family have used P&C.

  • Visiting The Revenue Office

  • Going to the grocery store on a Saturday

  • Leading children’s church on Sunday

  • Helping with Youth Group on Wednesday night

  • Homeschooling...

  • When someone just can’t relax and fall asleep at night

  • Holiday events and family gatherings

  • At the end of a LONG Monday, when you just need an extended and uninterrupted Epsom Salt bath with a couple of drops of Peace & Calming

Putting on a little Peace & Calming will also affect others around you. What a wonderful side effect! Plus, it smells amazing.

Back in the PSK!

We are so excited to have it back in our Premium Starter Kit!

I will admit, I’m an emotional creature and having Peace & Calming in the PSK was such a blessing because it was an oil I could sell! It has so many benefits and covers so many body systems, how could it not be? Check out its ingredients and the associated body systems.


  • Tangerine- Emotional Balance, Immune System, Skin

  • Orange- Digestive and Immune Systems, Emotional Balance, Skin

  • Ylang Ylang- Emotional Balance, Cardiovascular and Hormonal Systems

  • Patchouli- Skin

  • Blue Tansy- Nervous System

Great Application Locations:

  • The insides of wrists

  • Along the carotid arteries on the throat

  • Back of the neck

  • Along the spine

  • Bottoms of the feet

  • Over the tummy (to ease a nervous tummy)

Remember to always inhale the oil deeply. And it is a great oil to use in the beautiful Desert Mist Diffuser.

Of course there are many other uses for this beautiful blue oil. Let us hear your uses in the comments!

Here's to Good Mornings (And New Blog Content)

It’s 2019 and like everyone else in the world, we thought it was time for change! New Year, New Blog (content)!

It’s obvious how much we all LOVE Young Living and our oils, but there is SO much more to our way of life that we decided to expand. In 2019 you can expect a mixture of lifestyle posts along with our tried-and-true oily posts! We can’t wait to share healthy recipes, toxic-free living how-tos, baby tips, workouts we love, mind and emotional wellbeing pointers and just good ol’ tips to make life easier. Sound good? If you have something you’d love to hear about, let us know! I’m sure one of us has experience with it.

Here’s to Good Mornings!

We are right there with you, Mr. Pug! Pass the coffee!

We are right there with you, Mr. Pug! Pass the coffee!

To start us off, let’s chat about mornings! I know some people can jump out of bed and start the day ASAP. News flash – that’s NOT me! But, I have learned over the years (especially after a couple of very energetic baby boys) about how to make my mornings a little better.

Be Kind to Your Future Self

One thing that has helped me the most is getting everything done the night before that I can. I think of it as present to my morning self. I make sure milk cups are clean, out and ready to go, the dishes are washed (they’re at least in the dishwasher clean from an overnight wash!), the kitchen is clean, the boys clothes are already laid out for the day and my oldest has a lunch packed for PreK. These things might sound silly to some but it makes my morning run a lot smoother while taking care of my littles. If things are organized and ready to go during my groggy moments of reaching for coffee and Ningxia Nitro (check out all of our Ningxia Nitro tips here), then I’m more likely to stay on task and time!

Gratitude is a Great Way to Start the Day (And So is Planning Ahead)

Now, what do I do for me specially? At my first moment of being coherent, I always try and think about my day. As I plan it in my head, I think about what I need to do as I give thanks for another morning. Giving thanks for my day and planning it in my head gives me a sense of gratitude and ambition to get things done. I work from home (Young Living full-time) so planning my day is super important. It helps me get everything done I need to without feeling overwhelmed.

You cannot change the past but you CAN mold your future. Do this every day and watch as your life transforms.

Diffusing for the Win

Current Diffuser Love: Northern Lights Black Spruce + Orange. Treat yourself to this little slice of heaven.

Current Diffuser Love: Northern Lights Black Spruce + Orange. Treat yourself to this little slice of heaven.

The next task: get that diffuser running! What I pick totally depends on what kind of mood I’m in, but this really helps wake me up. Our sense of smell is so stimulating so use that as your secret weapon for a good morning! For the last few weeks I have been all about Northern Lights Black Spruce and Orange oil. I use about 5 drops of NLBS and 4 of Orange. It’s a little slice of heaven on earth! BONUS: It helps keep my kids calmer and get along better!

Great Mornings: Condensed Version

So - condensed version? Get things done the night before and be thankful for another morning even if you’d rather stay in bed! Easy, right?

What are your tips for early mornings? I’d love to hear all about it! I’m soo open to new tricks.

Happy New Year everyone and I hope you enjoy the path the blog is taking!