Oily Hacks for Mamas

Today, Natalie Mechell, first time-contributor and busy mom of two, shares some practical Oily Hacks for mamas. As she puts it, “Because we can always use a little more convenience and a lot more time.” We couldn’t agree more!

These little tricks have made naps and bedtimes go a little smoother, walking out the door before a busy day easier, and dealing with the seasonal-ick not quite so daunting.

So what do I do to make things easier, simpler? Here are a few of my …

Oily Hacks for Mamas

These roll-on oily hacks are easy to make and even easier to apply! Perfect for the busy oily mama. 

These roll-on oily hacks are easy to make and even easier to apply! Perfect for the busy oily mama. 

Immune Support

We use Thieves and Oregano Daily! This helps my family maintain healthy immune systems and protect us during the seasonal yuck we all dread come Back to School days! Here’s how to create a quick and easy immune-supporting rollerball for each of these mama must-have oils:


What You Need

  • 5 ml or 15 ml bottle of Thieves Vitality
  • Fractionated coconut oil
  • Roller fitment

What You Do

  1. Dilute: When our Thieves bottle is about half full, I fill it back up with fractionated coconut oil for dilution. You can play with ratios to find the dilution that is best for your family!
  2. Top: Click a roller fitment into the top of your bottle.
  3. Roll: We roll on our spine, bottoms of feet, wrists, and – for us – wherever we can swipe really!


What You Need

  • 5 ml or 15 ml bottle of Oregano Vitality
  • Fractionated coconut oil  
  • Roller fitment

What You Do

  1. Dilute: I pump fractionated coconut oil when our Oregano bottle is a little less than half way and then fill to the top. I dilute Oregano more because it can be quite uncomfortable when not diluted properly.
  2. Top: Install roller fitment.
  3. Roll: Apply on spine daily.

Sweet Dreams Support  

We love lavender! My daughter and I are big fans of this calming oil, especially when comes to our sleep routines. Here’s a quick DIY recipe for my favorite sleep blend, turned into, you guessed it: a convenient roll-on.

What You Need

  • 25 drops of Lavender
  • 25 drops of Stress Away
  • Fractionated coconut oil
  • Roller fitment
  • Empty oil bottle
  • Essential oil funnel

What You Do

  1. Combine: Use funnel to help you neatly add oils to empty oil bottle.                                  Pro Tip: Use an empty Lavender or Stress Away bottle for the best results.
  2. Dilute: Fill bottle with fractionated coconut oil.
  3. Top: Place a roller fitment on top.
  4. Roll: We roll this on the sides of our neck before naps and bedtime daily! (Daddy uses Lavender and Cedarwood.)

Of course this is what we use for our sleepy times, but you might love Cedarwood, Vetiver, Frankincense, or R.C.

Student Support

I use this tip to encourage my son (who is 3 years old) to not only smell great, but stay focused and tuned in to his fun-filled learning day!

What You Need

  • Bottle of KidScents Geneyus
  • Fractionated coconut oil
  • Roller fitment

What You Do

  1. Dilute: take an almost full bottle of Geneyus and fill with fractionated coconut oil. I barely dilute.
  2. Top: Place roller fitment on top.
  3. Roll: Roll on wrists and sides of neck before heading out the door.

Mama Support

Last but not certainly least, mama has her "perfume" I like to call it. I use a little Joy, Stress Away, and Grapefruit to give me a signature scent that keeps me bright for days.

What You Need

  • 7 drops Joy
  • 25 drops Stress Away
  • 15 drops Grapefruit
  • Fractionated coconut oil
  • Roller fitment
  • Empty oil bottle
  • Essential oil funnel

What You Do

  1. Combine: Add drops to your empty bottle carefully, using your funnel.
  2. Dilute: Top off with fractionated coconut oil to dilute a little.
  3. Top: Pop in a roller fitment and voila!
  4. Roll: Apply wherever you would commercial perfume: neck, wrists, chest, even the back of your knees.

Of course you can change drops to your preference, but I love to smell the Stress Away!

Easy, Right?

These practical tips have helped mornings, naps and bedtimes go a little more smoothly without compromising time with too many steps.

What would you mix in a bottle and keep on hand for daily use?

DIY Essential Oils for Back to School

We’ve reached our final course...errr post...in this series: Back to School DIY. As you’re settling into your new routine, you may just be inspired to do some DIY projects, and we are here to help with some of our fav recipes. Much like our diffuser post, these recipes will take you from Good morning to Goodnight.

So, class, are you ready? Let’s get started!

Smooth(ie) Sailing: Rise N Shine Smoothie

Make mornings easy with this quick and tasty breakfast treat. 

Make mornings easy with this quick and tasty breakfast treat. 

Need Breakfast at the push of button? Enter the Rise n Shine Smoothie. We award this one bonus points for being delicious and nutritious. Switch up ingredients to customize to your family’s tastes. Vitality oils, milks and fruits can all be swapped for your favs.

Everyday Wellness: Germy Hand Kid Soap

Feeling DIY-inspired? Try this wellness-boosting, Thieves-powered foaming hand soap. 

Feeling DIY-inspired? Try this wellness-boosting, Thieves-powered foaming hand soap. 

While we love Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, this recipe is a great DIY alternative if you’re feeling creative. Either way, you’ll be supporting your family’s wellness with the power of Thieves.

After School Anti-Smell: Stinky Kid Spray

Keep this spray with you anywhere stink can happen: aka EVERYWHERE.

Keep this spray with you anywhere stink can happen: aka EVERYWHERE.

Purification (obvious alert) purifies the air. That means that it can even refresh things like middle school boy bedroom, volleyball bag or mysterious minivan odors. Don’t leave home without it.

After School Snack: Dreamsicle Fruit Dip

Ease into homework time with a yummy snack: Dreamsicle Dip + Fruit. 

Ease into homework time with a yummy snack: Dreamsicle Dip + Fruit. 

Treat your students to a sweet treat after school that’s not packed with sugar or strange ingredients. Fruit + this yummy Dreamsicle dip will please even picky eaters. Want to make it even healthier? Replace the cream cheese with Greek yogurt and the powder sugar with agave, honey or stevia.

Night Night: Sweet Dreams Cream

Relax...Sweet Dreams Cream to the bedtime rescue! 

Relax...Sweet Dreams Cream to the bedtime rescue! 

We will share anything that helps kids have a good night sleep. Just apply this cream after evening bath to help your kids relax. It’s an easy way to use oils with your family and with Lavender and Peace & Calming II, it’s bound to invite (you guessed it) Sweet Dreams fast.

Class Dismissed 

Thanks for attending our Back to School crash course! Do you have any Essential Oil DIY inspiration to share? We’d love to hear from you!

Stay tuned, we'll share September Promo details soon!

Essentials Oils for Back to School: Smells like School Spirit

Today we’re continuing our back to school series. Behind? Here’s your review cheat sheet:

Ok, now class is back in session. And we’ll continue our back-to-school series with a pop quiz. (Nope, we’re not messing around;) Quick: what’s one of the easiest, most efficient ways to use your oils?

Tick, Tick, Tick...Time’s up!

If you said “diffusing” gold star for you! Just remember: Effective + Easy + Cost Efficient = Diffusing.

Even if the smell is not as strong as commercial candles or waxes, you and your family are getting wonderful benefits. That’s because your diffuser breaks down each oil into micro particles that stay in the air for hours. That’s getting your money’s worth – and with minimal effort!

Here are our top oils to diffuse throughout a busy school day. Enjoy (and pay attention, there could be another quiz next week)!

Diffuser Oils for the School Year

We believe diffusing oils is one of the best ways to brighten your family's day! 

We believe diffusing oils is one of the best ways to brighten your family's day! 

Essential Oils for Your Morning Routine

Wake up and smell the oils! Try these two refreshing blends to begin each day with a bang.

Joy Essential Oil Blend

Joy was one of the first oils we ever shared on the blog. That’s because this blend has been bringing us Joy for a long time. Diffuse to deflect early-morning grumpies and promote emotional balance.

Motivation Essential Oil Blend

Start the day (or study session) off with the power of Motivation. It helps support emotional balance and ward off fear and procrastination.

Mood Support

Beat first day (and beyond) jitters with these mood-boosting oils. Enjoying aromatic benefits on-the-go is easy, you can:

  • Apply a few drops to your hands, rub them together and inhale deeply
  • Wear an oil as a perfume or cologne
  • Wear a diffuser necklace or bracelet

Stress Away Essential Oil Blend

Stress Away is a wonderful everyday perfume. It offers much-needed emotional support with a zesty, lime-infused scent.

Tip: To use as a perfume, apply oil with a roller ball to your neck, wrists and inside your elbows.  

Valor Essential Oil Blend

There’s really no way to talk about this blend without reviewing a vocab word first.

Valor(n): strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter what is laid before them; personal bravery.

Now you know why we love this oil?! Apply it to the back of the neck, temples and/or inside the wrists. It can be a great companion for all those moments of uncertainty.

Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedarwood supports emotional balance and promotes a calm mind. It’s perfect for the school year: it helps maintain concentration and tackle the unknown.

Homework Time Oils


Give your students a natural boost with these oils. They help support your brain’s ability to focus.

Peppermint + Lemon

Peppermint can energize and focus your attention. Diffusing peppermint with lemon oil is one of our favorite study tips. Plus, these oils come with the Premium Starter Kit, so newbies, this is great recipe to start with!

Brain Power Essential Oil Blend

This oil is very high in sesquiterpenes (yes, that is another vocab word, look it up!). Sesquiterpenes play a role in dissolving petrochemicals (these are bad things, look it up!) and therefore increase normal receptivity in the brain and increase the amount of oxygen received. More oxygen to the brain = a happy, more functional, less foggy study session!

Bedtime Oils

Smell that? It’s time for bed! Create a peaceful routine to end the day with these relaxing oils.


This is a VERY popular oil for aiding relaxation. We love to diffuse it and apply it to the bottom of our feet before bed. You can even put a couple drops on your pillow for continued benefits.

Tranquil Roll On

Put yourself and your kids in a tranquil state with this easy to use roll on. Apply to the bottom of the feet, back of the neck and/or temples. ZZzzzz

Peace & Calming Essential Oil Blend

Bid farewell to stress and welcome relaxation with Peace & Calming II. This oil is gentle enough to diffuse through the night, even for little ones.

Any Questions?

Let us know if you need more back to school diffuser tips! Leave us a comment and we’ll help as soon as we can!

Newborn & Baby Oils

Welcome to our Family + Essential Oils series. We plan to cover every age and stage: Oils for Toddlers, Moms, Dads, Grandparents and Family Vacation. Someone we left out? Let us know in the comments and we’ll add them to our plan!

This is actually our second week, so if you missed our Postpartum post, take the time to catch up (we’ll wait:). Oh, and while you’re at it, check out the Top 10 Oils for Pregnancy – it happens to be one of our all-time top 10 posts.

Ok, now that we’ve talked mamas-to-be and new mamas, we’re ready to share some general guidelines and tips for using oils with your baby.

Essential Tips for Your Oily Baby

Ready for baby's first oil? Try out these oily newborn tips. 

Ready for baby's first oil? Try out these oily newborn tips. 

Ingestion Tips

Gotcha! No tips here. Young Living suggests waiting until after babyhood to try any of our vitality line with your child. We agree! The oils are powerful and highly concentrated for such little bodies.

Topical Tips

Young Living’s official recommendation for littles 0-1 is a 1:8 oil to carrier ratio. We say that’s a good starting point, but remember that every baby is different. Test dilution with your little one.

And if you are going to try a new oil on your child it’s a good idea to use just a drop or two on a small patch first, like the forearm. After a successful patch test (a few minutes with no reaction), you can apply as needed!

Pro Tip: Apply the essential oils first, followed by your favorite dilution oil.  

Aromatic Tips

Again, think “start gently” when it comes to aromatically sharing oils with your baby. You can create a bond with baby by simply wearing an oil while skin to skin. And, just like the topical patch test, you will want to diffuse an oil for a short time at first to ensure your child has no sensitivity.

First Oily Days

In their Oils for the Nursery post, Young Living lists a few oils to use with caution with your baby.

  • Idaho Tansy
  • Clary Sage
  • Hyssop
  • Wintergreen
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint

While watching for these oils is a good idea, it’s an even better idea to try out some of our favorites to support your little one’s health.

  • Ear Support: Melrose & Roman Chamomile, apply 1-2 drops behind and around ears
  • Diapering Support:
  •  Respiratory Support: Lavender or Peace & Calming, apply to chest, bottom of feet and diffuse intermittently during nap. Also, try diffusing Lavender & SniffleEase during the night or nap.
  • Sleep support: Lavender & Cedarwood,1-2 drops on chest and bottom of feet.
  • Mood Support: Frankincense & Joy, 1-2 drops over the heart
  • Digestive Support: DiGize/TummyGize, apply over the chest and belly 15 - 20 minutes before feedings. You can also apply after feeding, if needed.
  • Gut Health: Fennel, apply 1-2 drops over the colon area, rub clockwise

And that’s it, baby! Again, let us know if there are any ages or family members you’d like to see included in our series and we’ll get a writer on it!


Essential DIY Recipes: Deodorant Powder

We’re back with another essential oil-infused DIY recipe: Deodorant Powder. While ditching commercial hand soaps or toothpastes is often no sweat (hello there, Thieves line), finding a natural deodorant you love can be tough.

We get it. We don’t like to mess with BO or skin sensitivity, either. But we also don’t like to mess with applying harsh chemicals on our bodies, especially so close to lymph nodes and breast tissue. Making your own deodorant helps you ditch no-no ingredients like aluminum and Fragrance and switch to essential oil-powered freshness you can feel great about.

Simple instructions, common supplies, power to personalize...what are you waiting for? This DIY deodorant power is amazing! 

Simple instructions, common supplies, power to personalize...what are you waiting for? This DIY deodorant power is amazing! 

Supplies & Ingredients


  • Glass Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Spoons and Cups
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Storage Container (like a salt shaker or baby powder bottle)


  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch*
  • 10 drops of your favorite Essential Oil

Tree of Life Fresh Favorites: Our team loves adding Purification, Stress Away, Lavender, Cedarwood and Shutran to this natural deodorant recipe. Mix, match and experiment to find your signature scent.

*Pro Tip: We usually prefer arrowroot over cornstarch. Cornstarch can cause skin sensitivity and yeast growth. Test both and find what works for you!

How It’s Done

  1. Combine all ingredients in your glass mixing bowl.
  2. Store in your chosen container.

Use Today

Apply under arms as needed.

Need Extra Protection? You’ve Got it!

If you feel like you need even more BO warding power, you have a few options:

  1. Layer: Apply a few more drops of your favorite scent on top of powder.
  2. Spray:  Or, make a water and purification spray in a glass spray bottle to spray on top. This method is another Tree of Life favorite!


Are you planning to make your own Deodorant Powder? Share which signature Essential Oil scent you’ll add to your DIY recipe in the comments!


Essential Oil DIY Recipes: Dry Shampoo

How is your ditching and switching going? To support your quest to banish parabens, dyes and fragrances from your personal care routine, we are kicking off a new series: Essential Oil DIY.

We’ve rounded up several recipes that you can whip up with common household ingredients and your favorite essential oils. Tune in each week to make Ditch and Switch even easier.

Today, we are inspired by the Young Living blog and we’re sharing their Dry Shampoo recipe with a few tips of our own.

Essential Oil-Infused DIY Dry Shampoo

Keep your locks luscious by only shampooing once or twice a week … yes, really. If your hair starts to get greasy between shampoos, then it’s dry shampoo to the rescue! It will absorb oil and leave your hair smelling great!

We love this recipe because it’s fast, easy and full of things you already have around your house.

Getting Started: Supplies & Ingredients


Quick - Gather a few supplies around your house and let’s get started!

  • Glass Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Spoons and Cups
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Storage Container (like a salt shaker or baby powder bottle)
  • Old Blush Brush


Delicious Detail: If you have dark hair, add 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. Consider adding scents that go well with chocolate like a drop or two of Peppermint essential oil, yum!

Play with Personalization: Here are a few more oils that are great for hair and scalp support: Lavender, Patchouli, Clary Sage. Swap out an oil above for one of these for a new way to love your locks.  

How It’s Done

See? Quick and easy!

Use Today!

  1. Sprinkle on roots of hair, start with your natural part and continue to re-part your hair for full coverage.
  2. Blend shampoo into hair with your makeup brush and massage into scalp for a deep clean.
  3. Leave for 2–3 minutes to absorb hair’s natural oils.
  4. Brush through your hair.

There’s More

Tune in next week for another quick and easy DIY recipe! If you’re interested in growing your scalp-supporting oil collection, consider joining the Essential Rewards program. You can order new oils each month, while earning free stuff and points toward even more oils. It’s pretty amazing and we encourage all fellow oil-lovers to give it a try!

Young Living May Promo: Skin-Tastic Gifts for Mom!

PSA: Mother's Day is May 8th. Don't miss the chance to pamper your mom (or yourself:) with this skin-tastic promo. Give the leading lady in your life the tools for glowing skin and ultimate relaxation. 

She can support healthy skin with some of our favorites (like the blemish-fighting manuka) and create a spa-like atmosphere right in her living room (thanks to the dew drop diffuser). Check out all you can earn with your qualifying order!

425 PV Retail Value: $334.88

325 PV Retail Value: $190.47  

250 PV Retail Value: $106.59

190 PV Retail Value: $80.27

Essential Rewards: The Gift That Keeps Giving

New to Young Living? Learn more about how to earn credit toward your favorite products today with our Essential Rewards autoship program

Beyond the Kit: Members Favorites

Did you know? Young Living offers 100s of products. That’d be 100s more natural, health-supporting, can’t-get-enough products beyond what you already love from your Premium Starter Kit. So, if you’re ready to add new oils, blends and products to your everyday routine – you are in luck.

The Tree of Life team polled almost 1000 Young Living Oil lovers about their favorite products “beyond the kit”, and we revealed the winners in our latest Facebook class. Bonus: ALL the items are in stock and ready for purchase!

Beyond the Kit: Member Favorites

Favorite Single Oil: Cedarwood

This “woodsy” scent easily earns a MVP award for several, versatile daily uses.

This “woodsy” scent easily earns a MVP award for several, versatile daily uses.

  • Apply before bedtime for a relaxing night’s sleep.
  • Diffuse to help stay focused and on task.
  • Comb into hair daily for thick beautiful locks.

Runners Up: Orange, Tea Tree & Northern Lights Black Spruce 

Orange, Tea Tree & Northern Lights Black Spruce give Cedarwood a run for its money!

Orange, Tea Tree & Northern Lights Black Spruce give Cedarwood a run for its money!

  • Orange – Diffuse for a calm, happy, sweet-smelling home.
  • Tea Tree – Add to your favorite facial cream to support clearer, smoother skin.
  • Insider Tip for Northern Lights Black Spruce – Order this VERY important ingredient instead when Valor and Peace & Calming are out of stock.

Favorite Blend Oil: Joy

Support the mood of your entire family -- even your toddler! -- with this beloved blend.

Support the mood of your entire family -- even your toddler! -- with this beloved blend.

  • Diffuse for a “joyful” home.
  • Apply over the heart to help support cardiovascular health.
  • Fast Fact: Joy contains Rose oil which possesses the highest frequency of any oil. Higher frequency oils are used for emotional and spiritual support.

Runners Up: Progessence Plus Serum, Endoflex & Abundance

  • Progessence Plus Serum – Help support healthy hormone levels. Formulated especially for women, this blend contains wild yam extract and Vitamin E along with some of our most popular oils.
  • Endoflex – Use daily to help support and maintain overall vitality and the endocrine system.
  • Abundance – Wear as your perfume or diffuse to enhance the “law of attraction” – who couldn’t use more Abundance in their life?

Favorite Roll On: Deep Relief

Roll On… anywhere, anytime. We can’t think of anything more practical than that!

Roll On… anywhere, anytime. We can’t think of anything more practical than that!

  • Roll on to help alleviate stressed muscles or other physical discomforts.
  • Roll on your temples to ease minor head discomfort.
  • Apply topically before or after physical exercise.
  • Inhale during exercise or physical activity for respiratory support.

Runners Up: Tranquil, Breathe Again & Stress Away

  • Tranquil – Apply this calming & relaxing blend to neck or temples in times of restlessness and unease.
  • Breathe Again (back in stock!) – Roll on to promote a healthy respiratory system throughout the seasons.
  • Stress Away - Inhale to boost energy and serve as a daily pick me up (has a sweet vanilla/lime scent, yummy!).

Favorite Massage Oil: Cel-Lite Magic

Summer is approaching, and this beautiful blend of vegetable oils, vitamin E and Therapeutic Grade Essential oils could be your NEW best friend!

Summer is approaching, and this beautiful blend of vegetable oils, vitamin E and Therapeutic Grade Essential oils could be your NEW best friend!

  • Replace your body lotion with this chemical-free option.
  • Use daily to benefit skin texture and detoxification.
  • Massage on location where firming and toning is desired.

Runners Up: Ortho Sport, Ortho Ease & Sensation

  • Ortho Sport – Apply for a warming sensation to soothe achy muscles. A great option for active teenagers and beyond.
  • Ortho Ease (back in stock!) – Massage to soothe your tired and stressed body while combating the damaging effects of everyday activities.
  • Sensation – Use for a relaxing massage and smooth, youthful-feeling skin.

Favorite Beauty & Skin: Satin Facial Scrub

This refreshing must-have is a water-based, peppermint oil infused exfoliant.

This refreshing must-have is a water-based, peppermint oil infused exfoliant.

  • Insider Tip: Perfect for all ages!
  • Use daily to minimize the appearance of pores and invigorate dull skin.
  • Apply directly to moistened skin in a circular motion, rinse well and pat dry.

Runners Up: Orange Blossom Facial Wash, ART Skin Care System & Sheerlume

  • Orange Blossom Facial Wash – Cleanse your skin without stripping natural oils with this wonderful soap-free wash. Insider Tip: Add OBFW to a foaming pump with some water to make it last longer and keep teens from wasting it!
  • ART (Age Refining Technology) Skin Care System – Use this 3 step skincare system for all ages. It contains Light Moisturizer, Refreshing Toner & Gentle Cleanser.
  • Sheerlume – Visibly brighten and balance your skin tone with this beautiful cream of botanicals and pure essential oils.

Favorite Supplement: Multigreens

This combo of “greens” and therapeutic-grade essential oils boosts vitality and overall circulatory system.

This combo of “greens” and therapeutic-grade essential oils boosts vitality and overall circulatory system.

  • Take daily to support energy levels.
  • Insider Tip: With added therapeutic essential oils, Multigreens absorption was increased from 42% (in 24hrs) to 86% (in 1hr). No other company can offer this efficiency, and that’s why we have essential oils in most of our supplement line.

Runners Up: Inner Defense, Longevity & Life 5

  • Inner Defense – Promote a healthy respiratory system with these softgels rich in immune-supporting ingredients. Insider Tip: Have a sensitive tummy? Freeze them before taking. This is a must-have in every home!
  • Longevity – Promote the body’s ability to handle damage due to aging, diet and environment with a softgel packed full of antioxidants. Use daily to also help support healthy organ function.
  • Life 5 – Build and restore your core intestinal health with this probiotic. Life 5 contains 10 BILLION active cultures and is clinically proven to improve colonization up to 10 times. Healthy gut, happy body! Insider Tip: Keep refrigerated after opening and take at least 1 hour away from food before bed for best results.

Favorite Home Cleaning Product – Thieves Household Cleaner

A safe, toxic-free cleaning option for every surface in your house.

A safe, toxic-free cleaning option for every surface in your house.

  • Use it in your kitchen, bathrooms, floors (tile & hardwoods!), mirrors, glass, dusting and MUCH more!
  • Purify and cleanse with the power of Thieves essential oil blend.
  • Make GALLONS of cleaner with this concentrated bottle. Economical, easy and safe for pets, kids and babies!

Runner Up: Thieves Laundry Soap, Thieves Dish Soap & Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak 

  • Thieves Laundry Soap –  Gently and naturally wash your clothes without any chemical or synthetic residue. Plant-based formula with essential oils is safe for all types of washers.
  • Thieves Dish Soap – Effectively clean your dishes without chemicals, dyes, or synthetics. Insider Tip: Make it go further with a foaming pump dispenser and water. Please note, not for use in a dishwasher.
  • Fruit & Veggie soak/spray – Effectively wash produce with the cleansing power of 3 essential oil blends: DiGize, Thieves and Purification. Who wants icky chemicals on their fruits and veggies??

Go Beyond Today

If you aren't a Young Living member, find out how to join today. Translation: don’t pay RETAIL for these great products.

Already a wholesale member, love your oils and want more more more? Check out the amazing Essential Rewards program. Earn free products with each order you place and receive reduced shipping! 

Check out the original FB class for even more comments and insights. Ready to learn more? Suggest a class in the comments below!