Shark Week + Essential Oils: Yes, Please!

At the close of Shark Week 2018, we thought that Suzanne Rodolfich's Shark Week-themed posts were too good not to share on our blog! Enjoy:) 

Shark Skin? No, Thanks! Best Essential Oils for Skin Care 

Essential Oils are a great, natural way to take care of your skin! 

Essential Oils are a great, natural way to take care of your skin! 

Did you know that shark skin actually looks and feels like little interlocking teeth? Um, no thank you!

Young Living offers SO many options for your skin! Here are a just a few top skin oils:

Top Essential Oils for Skin

  • Frankincense—helps create youthful appearance 
  • Tea Tree—cleanses skin
  • Geranium—helps provide healthy, clear, glowing skin
  • Cypress—smooths skin
  • Copiaba—reduces redness
  • Sandalwood—soothes, tightens, cleanses
  • Blue Tansy—soothes, reduces redness, provides antioxidant
  • Kunzea—provides antioxidant benefits (check out the pics of how the Kunzea plant affects a barbed wire fence)

DIY Skin Care Recipes

My Toner Recipe

  • Witch Hazel  
  • Equal parts Frankincense (glow), Lavender (soothe), Lemon, (brighten), Copiaba

My Skin Cream Recipe

I originally created this as a diaper cream, but now I use it for all sorts of skin issues.

  • Coconut oil
  • Shea butter
  • Equal parts Frankincense, Tea Tree, and Lavender

My Facial Serum Recipe

  • 3 drops Frankincense
  • 2 drops Myrrh,
  • 1 drop Rose

Lots of options, right? I love that we can take care of our skin with non-toxic products that meet our skin’s unique needs!

Do you sleep like a shark? Best Oils for Sleep Support

So many sleep support oils, which are your favorites? 

So many sleep support oils, which are your favorites? 

So apparently there’s lots of controversy about how and if and when sharks sleep:

  • They seem to be very active at night
  • Most species have to remain in motion, so for years scientists thought sharks didn’t sleep
  • However, now scientists think they enter periods of rest where they slow down, but their eyes are open, and it’s not a true deep sleep

Did I describe any of you with those facts? Maybe your kids?

I think many of us seek out essential oils because we need sleep support—that was my reason 5 years ago!

But just like there are lots of things we don’t know about sharks’ sleeping habits, there are so many variables with our own sleeping habits that finding an Essential Oils combo for sleep support can be trial and error.

Best Oils for Sleep Support

  • Lavender: Most people start with Lavender—this doesn’t work for me or Jonna 
  • Frankincense: this is a fav in our house and a Lavender + Frankincense combo can be powerful
  • Stress Away
  • Peace and Calming

If you really want to sleep like the dead, then consider these heavy hitters:

  • Valor
  • Valerian
  • Rutavala
  • DreamCatcher

And then there are a few that kids especially find calming:

  • Gentle Baby
  • Roman Chamomile 
  • SleepyIze

And finally, you may want to consider WHY you aren’t sleeping: Are you worried? Is your child needing a little extra security? Sometimes if we can support our emotions, we can sleep better.

Suzanne's Picks

So—what do WE use for sleep support in our house?

The Kids

  • Jonna (6)—Frankincense, Valor, or Palo Santo
  • Zanna (5)—Frankincense,  Valor, or Palo Santo
  • Mila (3)—Palo Santo and White Angelica
  • Vin (1)—Lavender or Peace and Calming

The Adults

  • Me—Valor or Rutavala (the kids would use the Rutavala, too, but that’s liquid gold and I’m a little stingy with it )
  • The hubs—whatever I’m diffusing 

And despite this lengthy post, there are still more options—I feel like I am leaving so many good ones out!

Maybe you can help me out—what are your family’s favorite oils for sleep support?

Skip the Blue Shark Blues: Essential Oils for Mood Support

No need to feel like the Blue Shark! Try out these tried and true mood boosting oils. 

No need to feel like the Blue Shark! Try out these tried and true mood boosting oils. 

This is the blue shark—according to my friends Google and Wikipedia, they are sort of sluggish and lethargic in their movements. 

Top Oils for Mood Boosting

If you’re feeling the same way, maybe a little down, a little blue, here are some oily tips to try:

  • A drop of Frankincense Vitality daily under the tongue (this is a my go-to mood lifter)
  • Frankincense + Lemon in the diffuser
  •  A few drops of Joy in your hands and inhale
  • Ylang Ylang + Orange in the diffuser
  • Super B an energy and mood lifter all in one—do you know how much our body NEEDS B vitamins? They are vital! I made this a part of my daily routine after I had Vin.
  • NingXia Red—daily, daily, daily! In addition to about a hundred other things, it supports healthy energy levels and regulates blood sugar (anybody else get HANGRY?)

Raise your hand if you had fun with Essential Oil SHARK WEEK! Share any skin, sleep or mood support tips below. Bonus points for Shark-themed ideas:) 

Oils for Mom

I have two boys. 1 and 3. Whenever I tell someone my kids’ ages, they say “You’re busy!” Then I get the smile ... that smile somewhere between “you can do it!” and lots of empathy, especially from mamas who are no longer in the toddler trenches with me.

And they’re right. Having two kids two years apart is no joke. I mean, we laugh a lot. But each day carries it’s own challenges. And that’s why I’m thankful for the help I get from wonderful little Young Living bottles.

So today, as a mom, I’m sharing which oils are on my and my fellow Tree of Life mom bloggers most-used lists. Use it as an inspiration for how to use Essential Oils in your family or as a shopping list for a special mom in your life.  

Joy, Rose, DiGize, Thieves, just a few of faves for moms! The best of the best #BecauseYouDeserveIt. Happy Mother's Day! 

Joy, Rose, DiGize, Thieves, just a few of faves for moms! The best of the best #BecauseYouDeserveIt. Happy Mother's Day! 

Mood Support:

Full-time moms, working-moms, work-from-home moms: we all work a lot. And I hope I’m not the only one with a few racing thoughts now and then. (Have your recently cooked while your toddler gets out every pan you own and places them right where you need to stand? Bananas.) Anyway, mood support makes me think of a cheesy, but nonetheless true cliche: If mama ain’t happy, nobody's happy.

  • Joy: I rub a little Joy over anyone’s heart in my family when a grumpy mood hits. That includes me down to my one year old. Want to learn more about Joy? We’ve written about it a lot. I especially love this mom’s perspective from Michelle McKool.
  • Lavender: I love lavender for minor head tension. It’s also a great way to prepare for a sweet night’s sleep. As an oily MVP, it’s also great for DIY beauty creams and dryer balls for fresh laundry.
  • Progessence Plus Serum: Hormone support often goes hand-in-hand with mood support. I love mom and grandma’s Cynthia Lengefeld’s post on how Progessence Plus Serum changed her life.  

Home Cleaning:

It’s not glamorous (and hopefully you have plenty of helping hands), but home cleaning is often part of the mom job description. I’ve been working toward a Chemical-Free house cleaning routine, and of course, essential oils and essential oil-infused products have helped a ton on that journey.

  • Purification: Here’s a “Quick: guests are coming, let’s freshen up” tip. Just diffuse Purification. It (duh alert) purifies the air with a refreshing, welcoming scent.

  • Thieves Household Cleaner: Love this stuff! I use it everywhere. The bathroom, kitchen, floors. Plus, it’s a great value. I’ve been using it for nearly two years and I’m still on my first bottle!

  • Lemon: I add lemon and vinegar to my Thieves Cleaner all-purpose recipe for fresh, streak-free clean everywhere! Lemon is also a go-to any stubborn stickiness. As a bonus to teen moms: Lemon helps students concentrate while studying.

Wellness Faves:

As mamas, we also work hard to keep our kids (and husbands) healthy. In my family, this involves a lot of hand washing and a few of these bottles.

  • Thieves: While some mornings get away from me, I try to put a couple drops of Thieves blend on everyone’s feet before they head out the door. This includes me! When I slack, I can tell. It’s truly an essential part of my daily routine.
  • Peace & Calming or Peace & Calming II: My 3 year old loves (and requests) Peace & Calming before bed. A couple drops helps him settle down for a peaceful night’s sleep.
  • Digize: We also write about Digize a lot. It’s great for pregnant mamas and little ones.

Pro Tip: Low on energy? Suzanne Rodolfich gives a great energy boosting suggestion  in her Postpartum Oils post.

Beauty Faves:

And what mama-must have list is complete without a little treat yo’self section? Using Essential Oils for DIY beauty serums is actually a way I have bonded with my own mom over Essential Oils.

  • Ylang Ylang: We both have curly hair and have found adding a drop of Ylang Ylang to wet hair once or twice a week has really nourished our locks and encouraged our curls. Plus, it smells amazing.
  • Rose: This is the treat yourself of all treat yourself oils. A valuable and highly-prized oil, this floral delight can be applied topically for healthy, youthful looking skin.  
  • Myrrh: This oil is a great night time moisturizer. I was inspired to add it to my regular routine by Jaynelle, she included it to her top 5 oils!

Happy Mother’s Day from Tree of Life! Which oil would you share with a mom in your life?

Storing Essential Oils: Tree of Life Tackles a FAQ

You love your oils. Now, learn how to treat them with a little love. Get the most out of each bottle with our tips on the do’s and don’ts of Essential Oils storage.

A few quick tips to help you get the most out of your oils! 

A few quick tips to help you get the most out of your oils! 

The Don’ts

Heat & UV Light

Heat and especially UV light can break down the integrity of your essential oils. Don’t store your oils in cars, near windows or anywhere they’d be exposed to extreme heat or direct sunlight. If an oil does get too hot, here’s a trick: wait until the oil has cooled to room temperature before opening the bottle. This can help save your oil and its effectiveness.


Plastics + Essential Oils = Big No-No. Many oils may break down plastic storage containers, which could pollute your oils or waste them.

The Dos

Room Temperature and Even

Cool temperatures with little fluctuation will protect your oils from the breakdown of even the most delicate constituents. Although not ideal, extreme cold will not freeze or destroy the efficacy of your oils.

Dark and Dry

To protect your oils from heat and UV light, store them in a dark, dry place. Cabinets in the bathroom or kitchen work well for everyday oils, but we recommend you buy an oil storage box for your growing collection. If you make your own blends, make sure to protect them from light with an amber glass or a stainless steel container.

Upright and Tightly Sealed

This might seem like a no-brainer, but keeping your oils upright and tightly sealed will ensure you won’t spill a single drop. Keeping your oils tightly sealed will also cut down on any evaporation. You may even want to transfer oils that are running low to a smaller bottle to cut down on oxidation.  

A Couple More FAQs

Thick Oils

Sometimes you do have to apply heat to oils. These thick oils, like Rose or Myrrh, can be gently heated by placing your bottle in bowl of warm water. Lids can also get sticky or oxidize with thicker oils. If this happens just put some coconut around the rim so it doesn't get stuck again. You'll be glad you did!

Citrus Oils

Once you open your citrus oils (lemon, grapefruit etc.), they are best if used within a year of opening for maximum effectiveness.


Young Living Essential Oils don't ever really expire. Woo Hoo! Just follow our tips for good oil storage and you'll get to enjoy them to the very last drop. Have more questions? Leave us a comment or contact us!

Switch & Ditch: Personal Care Edition

Did anyone already switch to all-natural cleaning products (like this one!) and ditch your chemical-heavy cleaning cohorts? Let us know! A clean sweep never felt or smelled so good.

This week, we are continuing our switch and ditch theme, but now: it’s getting personal. Personal care products, that is.

As far as personal wellness goals go, treating your skin to natural products should be right there on your resolution list along with healthy diet and exercise. And Young Living has plenty of all-natural, essential-oil infused goodies. Ready for some switch and ditch tips? We thought so.  

Switch & Ditch: Personal Care Edition

Make your 2017 resolution a reality with a few of our favorites like the ART skincare system, Young Living's super popular face cream, foaming face wash and toner. 

Make your 2017 resolution a reality with a few of our favorites like the ART skincare system, Young Living's super popular face cream, foaming face wash and toner. 

Oral Care

Let’s start with something you do everyday: brush your teeth. Time to ditch toothpaste with artificial sweeteners and toxic chemicals and switch to natural toothpaste that will freshen your breath and gently wash away staining.

The Thieves lines makes this easy. Try one of three Thieves lines toothpastes along with Thieves Dental Floss and Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash.

Hand Care

Make sure washing or cleaning your hands actually washes and cleanses without artificial fragrances or toxins.

I’m in love with the Thieves Foaming hand soap. It smells wonderful and is a great way to introduce guests to Thieves goodness. For on-the-go cleansing, Thieves Waterless Hand Cleanser is on my must-travel list.

Face Care

Whether you are focusing on cleansing, restoring, moisturizing or refining, Young Living has products and oils to try. Some of my favorite anti-aging oils include:

  • Rose - high-frequency oil great for moisturizing and refining skin
  • Patchouli - favorite oil for daily moisturizing
  • Lavender - skin MVP, a must for cleansing, moisturizing and refining
  • Frankincense - sacred oil that restores and moisturizes skin  
  • Myrrh - another must-have for moisturizing  

Start slow and experiment. We suggest adding a beauty oil to your order each month. Everyone is different, so everyone will have different favorites. Once you find your favorites, here are a few tips to get the most out of your beauty regime (and save some money).

Make a Homemade Cream

Make your own body and face cream and infuse with your favorite essential oils. That way you get a daily dose of oils, while stretching your supply.


  • 1 cup shea butter
  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • ½ cup liquid oil (like almond, grapeseed, jojoba or avocado oil)
  • 5-10 drops of essential oils of choice


  1. Melt shea butter and coconut oil on stovetop
  2. Let cool completely
  3. Add liquid oil and essential oils for choice
  4. Whip to decadent texture

Homemade Serums

Another way to stretch your beauty oils and save time in your routine: create your own serums. Add your favorite oils and apply after your cream morning and night. To make, you will need to gather a few supplies like 1-oz glass bottles, roller ball fitments and funnels.


  • 1-oz. favorite carrier oil (again: think liquid food oils like almond, grapeseed or avocado)
  • 1-2 drops each of your favorite anti-aging oils


Combine ingredients in a small, amber glass bottle. Yup, it’s that easy!

Hair Care

Tame your locks with natural care products. This one is especially important, considering when you rinse off shampoo it flows down the rest of your body. Young Living has some great daily shampoos (like yummy Lavender Mint) to nourish and cleanse hair.

You can also add oils to your hair care routine. When styling, I add a drop of Ylang Ylang to my hair for a gorgeous floral scent and curl-boosting moisture. Other great hair oils include:

  • Geranium - rehydrates hair, try adding to your conditioner
  • Lavender - nourishes and may thicken hair
  • Rosemary - allows nutrients to penetrate hair and scalp
  • Tea Tree - soothes your scalp

Body Care

Body Wash

Like hair care products, body wash is exposed to large parts of your body. Making your own body wash was never easier with Young Living’s bath and shower gel base. Just add 5-10 drops of your favorite oil. Any of our favorite hair and skin oils would work, or you can try an uplifting blend like Joy.


And finally, we’ll end with another daily personal care product: Deodorant. Young Living offers great aluminum-free options that smell great! (Like this one). You can also experiment using an oil as a deodorant. Purification is a great, cleansing and aromatically fresh option to try!

Switch, Ditch & Save

Ready to ditch commercially produced personal care products? Easy. Switch to buying your natural shampoo, hand soap and floss with Young Living’s autoship program, Essential Rewards. We love it because we get to buy the products we love while earning freebies and points toward even more products we love. We think you will, too!

Any questions? Ask away in the comments.