Self-Care Series Part 3: The Feelings Kit for Kids

This week, we’ve got more tips for giving your oily kids an emotional boost. What could be easier than a kid-specific take on the Feelings Kit? If you missed our Feeling Kit protocol, check it out for a 30 day kick-start to treating yourself well!

Here are a few tips from Jaynelle on how to use these wonderful, emotional oils with your littles:

The Feelings Kit for Kids

This powerful kit can help support the whole family.

This powerful kit can help support the whole family.


Reach for Valor to help your kids be BRAVE, STRONG and kick fear to the curb. It’s hard growing up, I love supporting my littles through hard times with Valor.


I know I choose to have HARMONY in my house! (Who’s with me?) Use this one for feelings of jealousy, negativity and insecurity. Great for those battle times between siblings! Diffuse or apply on belly.


It is hard to learn to forgive. Use to help your littles let go when they have been wronged. It’s a hard lesson to learn so why not help aid our littles in the process! Diffuse or apply on chest area.

Inner Child

This oil is a wise choice to help kiddos stay in touch with who they are and who they were CREATED to be, rather than emotionally detaching and losing themselves.

A serious note: when children have been abused, they become disconnected from their inner child (identity), which causes confusion (and so much more). Use this oil to help them reconnect. Diffuse or apply around ears.


Say BYE to tantrums by releasing anger and frustration that build up over time. Moms of 2 and 3 year olds, rejoice! Diffuse or apply over liver area.

Present Time

Present Time in action!

Present Time in action!

Mamas this one's for you! I use Present Time to be in the moment. It’s a reminder to put away my cell phone and computer and turn off the TV – be in the PRESENT with my babies… they grow up way too fast to tell them to “hold on” while you answer an email. I have had my share of moments not being present and I love how this oil helps you be aware while spending time with our little people.

Just as I was typing this, my littlest came back here for a diaper change. I decided that I would take my own advice and live in the moment. I set my computer aside and we played and snuggled for a bit. Then he saw my Feelings Kit box and thought it was fun to play with – that is how I got this adorable picture… being present!

Diffuse or apply around ears and wrist.

DIY Recipe: Happy Dance Roller

Want to keep something on hand, all the time? Try this Happy Dance Roller for kids!

  • 10 ml roller bottle or half the recipe for a 5ml

  • 10 drops White Angelica

  • 4 drops Surrender

  • 7 drops Orange

Optional swaps: Inner Child instead of Surrender & Lemon/Citrus Fresh instead of Orange

Top it off with carrier oil and roll away!

Self-Care Series Part 2: Emotional Oils for Kids

Welcome back to our self-care series! Last week we covered the Feeling Collection Protocol. Check it out for! It’s a great recommendation on how to seek emotional support with a few intentional moments with your oils each day.

This week, we are sharing our favorite emotional oils for kids! Thanks to Jaynelle for once again sharing her tried-and-true tips. Enjoy! And if you have any oily kid tips, make sure to comment below.

Learn how to support your kids (ever changing) emotions with our favorite feelings oils for kids.

Learn how to support your kids (ever changing) emotions with our favorite feelings oils for kids.

Our Favorite Emotional Oils for Kids

I am 33 years old and still figuring out and working on my own emotions… Imagine how difficult it can be for our kiddos! The first day of school, losing a favorite “lovey,” first night away from home, graduating from high school – no emotion is too small (or from too small a person) to acknowledge. We all feel, and I love how we can support our babies as they grow through every walk and stage of life.

With all that said – it is time to listen up mommas, nannies, grandparents, dads, foster parents, sisters, babysitters and brothers. My boys have been oily babies since day one of their lives and it has helped us ALL so much! Here are some favorites in our house!

Stress Away

The name says it all. I bet this is one of the first emotional oils you used because it is in the starter kit. This is a goody! Our sweet kids are way too prone to the stresses of this world. They are also watching our every move and see/feel our stress as well. It is smart for all of us to sit back and stress less with this amazing oil. It is great on the wrists, temples and neck. I even wear it as a perfume many days, the vanilla lime scent is addicting!

Orange & Lemon

Orange and Lemon are happy oils and help bring peace. They very uplifting when we are feeling down and need that extra pick me up. They are GREAT diffused, applied and mix well with Joy or White Angelica.

White Angelica

This oil is AMAZING! Probably the MOST used in our house. It is a blend made up of 10 oils that helps protect us from the negativity that can creep up during the day. White Angelica is very uplifting and calming to the emotions. It can also help open our hearts. Wear it daily and just watch as your whole attitude about life changes. Truly amazing!

Peace & Calming

This is the first and last oil of the day that my youngest gets. He responds very well to it. Its effects are all in the name. Apply to the chest, back of the neck and bottoms of the feet for a great day!


Did you know that this blend used to be called Love? Yep, it sure did and that is very fitting because it helps to encourage memories of being loved and held. It can also help open up the ability to receive love. Our babies need to be loved on and know they are secure – I love this oil for this! Apply it in a clockwise motion over the heart and smell it deeply!


I have a stubborn one -- strong willed, independent, and very determined! This oil helps calm down those moments when his personality can turn into a tantrum. Sometimes we all just need to take a breath and calm down.

As we asked up top, do you have any family favorites to share? Let us know! And stay tuned for another self-care post next week!