April Promo Focus: Oola Grow & Dragon Time

April’s promo features some of our all-time spring faves: cleansing Tea Tree, fresh (and flavorful) Tangerine Vitality and, of course, Thieves Household Cleaner. Tackling spring cleaning with this trio is almost a treat.

But this promo doesn’t stop with oils that will help you clean your house. Nope, it takes spring cleaning to the next level by including two blends formulated to help you clear some inner clutter and help lift your mood. Oola Grow and Dragon Time are perfect for this season of renewal.

Let’s learn more about these blends!

Spring flowers make wonderful oils! Jasmine, the white flower, helps uplift and inspire mood in Oola Grow and the purpleish flower, clary sage, helps support hormones in Dragon Time.

Spring flowers make wonderful oils! Jasmine, the white flower, helps uplift and inspire mood in Oola Grow and the purpleish flower, clary sage, helps support hormones in Dragon Time.

Oola Grow

The best way to learn about a blend is to take a look at the single oils included. Check out all the goodness in Oola Grow! If you think you’re starting to notice a pattern of benefits, it’s because you are. Most of the oils help with emotional support, and that’s what Oola Grow is all about.

  • Ylang Ylang: encourages self-love, joy and peace.
  • White Fir: helps stimulate the mind.
  • Blue Tansy: helps support the nervous system.
  • Cedarwood: calms and uplifts.
  • Blue Cypress: helps support the endocrine system.
  • Jasmine: uplifts and inspires, especially in relationships.
  • Galbanum: supports mood and emotions.
  • Frankincense: grounds the mind during meditation.
  • Sandalwood: supports mood.
  • Lavender: helps promote love, peace, and a general sense of well-being.
  • Cinnamon Bark: warms and stimulates.
  • Rose: helps calms and soothes the mind, creating a sense of well-being.
  • Geranium: supports the emotions and lifts the spirit.
  • Coriander: calms and relaxes, even in times of stress.
  • Bergamot: radiates love.
  • Neroli: encourages confidence, courage, joy, peace, and sensuality.
  • Roman Chamomile: soothes and clears the mind.
  • Spruce: grounds the body, encourages generosity.
  • Rosewood: helps promote peace and gentleness.
  • Clary Sage: soothes.
  • Juniper: elevates spiritual awareness.
  • Idaho Tansy: encourages a general feeling of wellbeing.
  • Orange: uplifts.

Application Tips:

  • Aromatically: Diffuse or inhale this blend in the morning for a “bring it on” kind of energy. Not a bad way to start the day.
  • Topically: Dilute with favorite carrier oil, and apply 1–2 drops on location.

Safety Notes:

  • Pregnant and New Mamas: Avoid during pregnancy and nursing until you talk to your doctor.
  • Everyone: Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after use.

Dragon Time™

If you take a closer look at the oils that make up Dragon Time, you’ll notice this blend is all about hormone support. And maintained hormones help (you guessed it) support mood and emotions, no matter the circumstances. This blend can work well for both men and women, but was formulated with women's “Dragon Time” in mind.

  • Clary Sage: helps support hormones, cut down on cycle discomfort and support circulation.
  • Fennel: supports the liver, digestive system and hormone maintenance.
  • Lavender: helps reduce minor discomfort and soothe mood.
  • Marjoram: helps reduce head tension.
  • Yarrow: helps support the prostate and hormones.
  • Jasmine: supports mood while reducing minor discomfort.

Application Options:

  • Aromatically: Diffuse or put a few drops on a cotton ball and place it in an air vent in your home, office or car for mood and hormone support all day.
  • Topically: Apply around the ankles during the month while not on your cycle for support all month long. For extra soothing power, apply as a hot compress on the abdomen or lower back on an as needed basis.

Safety Notes:

Pregnant Mamas: Use caution during pregnancy.

Don’t miss out!

Find out how to earn the April Promo here. And how to earn points toward more of your Young Living favorites with the Essential Rewards program.

April Promo: Fresh Favorites for Free!

We've declared 2017 the year of switching from harsh household chemicals to natural solutions, and we love how April's promo makes it easy. This month you can earn fresh cleaning favorites like Tangerine Vitality, Tea Tree and Thieves Household cleaner, along with a no-more-excuses glass spray bottle. And stay tuned next week as we give you more info on Oola Grow and Dragon Time, two awesome Young Living blends. 

Earn these fresh spring favorites this month! 

Earn these fresh spring favorites this month!