Back to School Made Easy

This week we hosted a Facebook class on naturally good ways to kick off the school year. We know everyone can't tune in on Facebook, so we thought we'd make the info available on our blog, too.

BIG NEWS: We'll now be sharing all of our class videos on our YouTube channel! Subscribe so you won't miss a single oily tip! 

Back to School Tips

Ningxia Red & Ningxia Nitro

Suzanne shares her Ningxia Red tips for busy school mornings. Spoiler: Chill packets for grab-and-go convenience! For an afternoon pick-me-up, keep NingXia Nitro close by! 

NingXia Red helps support:

  • Immune system
  • Cognitive function
  • Energy

MightyVites and MightyZymes

Lindsey shares why you should put a multivitamin and natural enzyme on your back to school list! Bonus: these kid-specific formulas taste great. 

Lemon and Peppermint Essential Oils

Lemon and Peppermint both help you and your family retain information and maintain focus. The perfect power couple for back to school! 

Thieves Hand Purifier and Thieves Spray

Powered by Thieves, Thieves Hand Purifier helps keep hands clean on the go! This hard-working essential keeps purifying and moisturizing long after you squeeze it on. We love Thieves Spray for nearly any hard surface. 

Jaynelle's Pro Tip: These make great gifts for teachers! 

Panaway and Copaiba Essential Oil

Janie shares about Panaway, a great uplifting blend for muscles after active days! Add Copaiba to enhance this supportive oil. 

Thieves and Raven Essential Oil Blends

Check out these two great oils from your starter kit with Cynthia! If you like to breathe, Raven provides great respiratory support:) Plus, Thieves Vitality supports your immune system. You can take it internally: try it in oatmeal, water or baking. 

Young Living Thieves Cough Drops and Acne Cream

We are over the moon about these over the counter Young Living products! Thieves Cough Drops are great for easy immune support. Middle school and high school moms: check out this acne cream! And even if you don't have acne, this one also works wonders for black heads and blemishes. 

MightyPro & Life 9

Support your gut health year round with MightyPro and Life 9. Check out Rachel's tips on how to add these supportive products to your nighttime routine. 

Are you ready for back to school? Do you have any natural tips to share? We'd love to hear from you! 

Shark Week + Essential Oils: Yes, Please!

At the close of Shark Week 2018, we thought that Suzanne Rodolfich's Shark Week-themed posts were too good not to share on our blog! Enjoy:) 

Shark Skin? No, Thanks! Best Essential Oils for Skin Care 

Essential Oils are a great, natural way to take care of your skin! 

Essential Oils are a great, natural way to take care of your skin! 

Did you know that shark skin actually looks and feels like little interlocking teeth? Um, no thank you!

Young Living offers SO many options for your skin! Here are a just a few top skin oils:

Top Essential Oils for Skin

  • Frankincense—helps create youthful appearance 
  • Tea Tree—cleanses skin
  • Geranium—helps provide healthy, clear, glowing skin
  • Cypress—smooths skin
  • Copiaba—reduces redness
  • Sandalwood—soothes, tightens, cleanses
  • Blue Tansy—soothes, reduces redness, provides antioxidant
  • Kunzea—provides antioxidant benefits (check out the pics of how the Kunzea plant affects a barbed wire fence)

DIY Skin Care Recipes

My Toner Recipe

  • Witch Hazel  
  • Equal parts Frankincense (glow), Lavender (soothe), Lemon, (brighten), Copiaba

My Skin Cream Recipe

I originally created this as a diaper cream, but now I use it for all sorts of skin issues.

  • Coconut oil
  • Shea butter
  • Equal parts Frankincense, Tea Tree, and Lavender

My Facial Serum Recipe

  • 3 drops Frankincense
  • 2 drops Myrrh,
  • 1 drop Rose

Lots of options, right? I love that we can take care of our skin with non-toxic products that meet our skin’s unique needs!

Do you sleep like a shark? Best Oils for Sleep Support

So many sleep support oils, which are your favorites? 

So many sleep support oils, which are your favorites? 

So apparently there’s lots of controversy about how and if and when sharks sleep:

  • They seem to be very active at night
  • Most species have to remain in motion, so for years scientists thought sharks didn’t sleep
  • However, now scientists think they enter periods of rest where they slow down, but their eyes are open, and it’s not a true deep sleep

Did I describe any of you with those facts? Maybe your kids?

I think many of us seek out essential oils because we need sleep support—that was my reason 5 years ago!

But just like there are lots of things we don’t know about sharks’ sleeping habits, there are so many variables with our own sleeping habits that finding an Essential Oils combo for sleep support can be trial and error.

Best Oils for Sleep Support

  • Lavender: Most people start with Lavender—this doesn’t work for me or Jonna 
  • Frankincense: this is a fav in our house and a Lavender + Frankincense combo can be powerful
  • Stress Away
  • Peace and Calming

If you really want to sleep like the dead, then consider these heavy hitters:

  • Valor
  • Valerian
  • Rutavala
  • DreamCatcher

And then there are a few that kids especially find calming:

  • Gentle Baby
  • Roman Chamomile 
  • SleepyIze

And finally, you may want to consider WHY you aren’t sleeping: Are you worried? Is your child needing a little extra security? Sometimes if we can support our emotions, we can sleep better.

Suzanne's Picks

So—what do WE use for sleep support in our house?

The Kids

  • Jonna (6)—Frankincense, Valor, or Palo Santo
  • Zanna (5)—Frankincense,  Valor, or Palo Santo
  • Mila (3)—Palo Santo and White Angelica
  • Vin (1)—Lavender or Peace and Calming

The Adults

  • Me—Valor or Rutavala (the kids would use the Rutavala, too, but that’s liquid gold and I’m a little stingy with it )
  • The hubs—whatever I’m diffusing 

And despite this lengthy post, there are still more options—I feel like I am leaving so many good ones out!

Maybe you can help me out—what are your family’s favorite oils for sleep support?

Skip the Blue Shark Blues: Essential Oils for Mood Support

No need to feel like the Blue Shark! Try out these tried and true mood boosting oils. 

No need to feel like the Blue Shark! Try out these tried and true mood boosting oils. 

This is the blue shark—according to my friends Google and Wikipedia, they are sort of sluggish and lethargic in their movements. 

Top Oils for Mood Boosting

If you’re feeling the same way, maybe a little down, a little blue, here are some oily tips to try:

  • A drop of Frankincense Vitality daily under the tongue (this is a my go-to mood lifter)
  • Frankincense + Lemon in the diffuser
  •  A few drops of Joy in your hands and inhale
  • Ylang Ylang + Orange in the diffuser
  • Super B an energy and mood lifter all in one—do you know how much our body NEEDS B vitamins? They are vital! I made this a part of my daily routine after I had Vin.
  • NingXia Red—daily, daily, daily! In addition to about a hundred other things, it supports healthy energy levels and regulates blood sugar (anybody else get HANGRY?)

Raise your hand if you had fun with Essential Oil SHARK WEEK! Share any skin, sleep or mood support tips below. Bonus points for Shark-themed ideas:) 

January Promo: Fresh Start (for Free!)

Keep your resolutions the Young Living way with oils that help support digestion, your workout routine and healthy habits like drinking more water. The best part: you can also keep your spend-less-money goals by earning these January favorites for free. Find out how to earn Copaiba, PanAway, Super Cal Plus, Deep Relief and Spearmint Vitality with your qualifying purchase. 

Pro Tip: Drink more water by adding a drop of sweet and fresh Spearmint Vitality to your water. 

Pro Tip: Drink more water by adding a drop of sweet and fresh Spearmint Vitality to your water. 

300 PV

Retail Value: $170.39

  • 15-ml Copaiba

  • 15-ml PanAway

  • Super Cal Plus

Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive:

  • Deep Relief
  • 5-ml Spearmint Vitality 

250 PV

Retail Value $113.81

  • 15-ml PanAway

  • Super Cal Plus

Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive:

  • Deep Relief
  • 5-ml Spearmint Vitality 

190 PV

Retail Value $67.43

  • Super Cal Plus

Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive:

  • Deep Relief
  • 5-ml Spearmint Vitality 

100 PV

Retail Value $14.14

Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Spearmint Vitality

Oil of the Week: Copaiba

Unlike most of us who are reading this, I did not get copaiba in my premium starter kit. I joined long before Young Living added this magnificent oil to the PSK. I actually learned about Copaiba from a co-worker at my corporate job when she mentioned how often she used the oil.

Copaiba is an enhancing oil. Anytime you apply an oil you can layer Copaiba on top of that to maximize the effectiveness and benefits you are receiving. Trust me, it is a great way to use Copaiba on a daily basis.

Copaiba is an enhancing oil. Anytime you apply an oil you can layer Copaiba on top of that to maximize the effectiveness and benefits you are receiving. Trust me, it is a great way to use Copaiba on a daily basis.

Cool Copaiba Benefits 

I, being the oily geek that I am, immediately started to research. I was thoroughly amazed by all of the fantastic benefits. Here are a few, Copaiba...

  • Supports the respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, and digestive systems
  • Supports a healthy mood
  • Supports your body’s response to irritation with special nutrient beta caryophyllene
  • Supports healthy gums and oral health
  • Exhibits cleaning power

That night, as soon as I got home, I added Copaiba to my Essential Rewards order and I have been using it regularly ever since.

Skin-tastic Copaiba Benefits

Oily mamas, listen up! One of the first ways I used this oil was for skin support. Like most first-time mothers my skin bears those familiar (but beautiful none the less) reminders that you once carried a baby. Did you know that copaiba is an emollient, and that copaiba oil may help boost the secretion of collagen and elastin in your body? No? Oh boy, this is going to be your new best friend! Try not to trip over the kiddo in your haste to get your oil out of the kit.

Even these past few days as I have researched and refreshed my memory on this Brazilian beauty, I am still awestruck at the sheer awesomeness that this bottle packs in each precious drop.

A Few More Fun Facts

Here are a few of the stunning facts that I rediscovered about copaiba:

  • The copaiba evergreen tree grows up to 100 feet and a single tree can offer up to twelve gallons of oil annually. It is distilled from a tapped tree, making it a sustainable rainforest resource.
  • Copaiba may be relatively new to the modern world, but it has been used by native Brazilians for at least 4 centuries.
  • Today in the United States, copaiba resin is used mostly as a soothing fragrance in soaps, bubble baths, detergents, creams, and lotions.
  • Most of the world uses it as a lacquer or varnish! What a huge loss this is! Or ... maybe not, since that means there is more of this beautiful oil for you and I to use!

So if you have yet to break open the seal of this magnificent oil from your starter kit, please take a moment to go do so now. I’ll wait for you to come back and smell its light woody and honeyed aroma. 

Be sure to add it to your daily regimen to support all of those amazing body systems or enhance the benefits of other oils you use. 

If you are running low on this Brazilian beauty be sure to add it to your ER order today, you will be so happy that you did (did I mention that this oil helps to brighten your mood already?)!

Get in Touch! 

SpOILed abundance to you, my oily friends. In wellness, purpose and abundance; your oily servant; Sunday Taylor. 

Do you like what you've just read? Join the Tree of Life Community today, we'd love to have you. Contact Sunday Taylor at or message us and we'll get you connected right away! 

Young Living February Promotions: Head-over-Heels for Savings!

This month, you don't have to choose between your passion for a great deal OR your favorite oils. You can have everything you love through Young Living's Exclusive Rewards for February! With your qualifying order you can earn WintergreenPatchouli and Copaiba essential oils as well as a sweet February-themed I LOVE Oils collection featuring JoyYlang Ylang, and Grapefruit Vitality essential oils.

For more on the promo (and how to qualify), read on! 


The Gifts

300 PV Retail Value: $209.48 

  • 15-ml Wintergreen: Wintergreen essential oil has a refreshing, unique, and minty aroma that deserves a place in every collection.
  • 5-ml Patchouli: Patchouli essential oil may improve the appearance of dry, dull skin and is often diffused for its grounding, peaceful aroma.
  • 20 Essential Rewards points: Earn 20 additional Essential Rewards points with your qualifying order. Your Essential Rewards points can be used like cash toward many of your favorite products!
  • I LOVE Oils collection: Our exclusive Valentine’s Day collection includes three sweet member favorites: 5-ml Joy, 15-ml Ylang Ylang, and 5-ml Grapefruit Vitality essential oils.
  • Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 15-ml Copaiba: Copaiba essential oil features a unique, pleasant, exotic aroma and is an important ingredient in our Stress Away™ essential oil blend.

250 PV Retail Value: $122.31

20 Essential Rewards points

190 PV Retail Value: $102.31

How to Qualify: Enroll in Essential Rewards 

To earn these great promotions, you must be enrolled in Young Living's optional and free auto ship program, Essential Rewards. If you're not enrolled, the Tree of Life team can help! Check out these 3 ways to enroll in Essential Rewards today! 

Option 1: Check out our Essential Reward 101 guide.

Option 2: Contact your Tree of Life enroller, one of our contributors or write us 

Option 3: Call Young Living Directly at 1-800-371-3515. 

Once enrolled, make sure you make your qualifying purchase through your Essential Reward Program Link. Again, if you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us! 

More Deals to Love! 

Love It? Share It! with 10 Percent Off Premium Starter Kits

There's a lot to love during Young Living's Love? Share it! promotion:

  • 10 percent off all Premium Starter Kits all Februrary
  • Freebie Fridays 
  • Selfies 

To share the love, Young Living is giving away two free Premium Oil Collections every Friday throughout February. Here’s how to participate:

  1. Take a selfie with your Young Living Premium Starter Kit.
  2. Post your selfie on Instagram.
  3. In your caption, tell us what you love about the Starter Kit, use #loveitshareit, and tag @younglivingeo.

A Major Discount on D. Gary Young: The World Leader in Essential Oils

The Young Living story is integral to understanding how we develop products and do business. Written by Young Living CEO Mary Young, D. Gary Young: The World Leader in Essential Oils captures that story in 336 pages and more than 700 photographs.

In an effort to get this inspiring book into the homes of every member, we’re offering the book at a discount throughout the month. From February 1–29, you can purchase this beautiful volume for a discounted price of $24.95 each, a 5-pack for $99.75, or a 10-pack for $199.50! Plus, when you purchase five books, you will get one free, for up to two free books. Order yours in Virtual Office!

Ho-Ho-Holiday Foods & Gut Health

The holidays (and seasonal weight gain) are upon us! Work parties, class parties, family get-togethers… there’s no escaping the food spreads! And oh, it can be soooo tempting to go back for seconds!

But there’s more than just an expanding midsection at stake this holiday season, did you know that your gastrointestinal tract (GIT) health is the cornerstone to 80% of your overall health? Find out how to promote, maintain and support your GIT health this holiday season and year round with these tips and tricks.

Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) Health: Cornerstone to Your Overall Health

If your digestive system is in order, it should be filled with healthy bacteria (flora) and enzymes that break down your food while supporting your immune system, nervous system and all of your hormonal functions. Translation: You’ll feel great!

Common body functions/systems a healthy GIT can help support:

  • Energy
  • Positive Mood
  • Healthier Cravings
  • Digestion
  • Immune System
  • Skin
  • Vaginal health
  • Mental Focus
  • Healthy Weight Maintenance

What damages the gut flora lining?

Our gut lining is one cell thick, so supporting its health (and preventing the spread of candida yeast) is crucial. Candida spreads and is hard to kill! The result: a “leaky gut” that allows partially digested foods to flow through the damaged area of the intestinal lining and enter the bloodstream directly (Yikes!).


This leak can cause intolerances and the release of stress hormones. One of these stress hormones, cortisol (produced in Adrenal Glands), further taxes the body, starts to IMPAIR the body's immune system, and promotes WEIGHT GAIN in the mid-section.

Substances that damage the GIT

  • Pain Killers
  • Poor food choices (processed foods)
  • Viruses
  • Parasites
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Antibiotics
  • NSAIDs
  • Bad bacteria

The 4 R’s of GIT Health

Support your GIT health by remembering the 4 R’s.


God created our bodies and our foods... let's just try to stick to His foods – His plan. Start your journey to GIT health by removing stressors and these unhealthy food choices from your life:

  • fake foods that are loaded in toxins (aka “processed foods”)
  • strong & excessive caffeine
  • sugars
  • sugar substitutes
  • diet colas & regular colas
  • preservatives
  • alcohol
  • gluten & dairy (test these one at a time to see if your body responds because not everyone is sensitive to them)

Rule of thumb: If there are words on the ingredients list you can’t pronounce, then don’t buy it. And if the ingredients probably won’t be found in your own kitchen ingredients pantry, then don’t buy it.


I take  Oregano Oil, Copaiba, and Thieves to promote organ health. Organic coconut oil is great for its probiotic power. 

I take  Oregano Oil, Copaiba, and Thieves to promote organ health. Organic coconut oil is great for its probiotic power. 

Time to take action! Here are 4 steps to help repair your GIT health.

Step 1: As part of an unprocessed diet, be sure to include omega-3s like OmegaGize and vitamins such as zinc, antioxidants (vitamins A, C, & E), L-glutamin, quercitin, aloe vera, and turmeric. Master Formula contains all your vitamin needs, plus oils that research has proven to support organ tissue health.

Step 2: Allow your gut to rest by juicing or fasting.

Step 3: Consume Caprylic Acid, which comes from coconut oil, to kill candida yeast. Longevity contains coconut oil plus essential oils that support healthy cells.

Step 4: Take Oregano Oil, Copaiba, and Thieves to promote organ health.


Life 5, a powerful probiotic, is on my DAILY supplement lifst! 

Life 5, a powerful probiotic, is on my DAILY supplement lifst! 

Probiotics help restore gut flora. It’s a good idea to take a probiotic daily. On days you are taking antibiotics or are sick, increase your dosage. This is why Life 5 is on my DAILY supplement list!   

Life 5 builds and restores core intestinal health by providing five clinically proven probiotic strains including two advanced super strains to enhance intestinal health, sustain energy and improve immunity. Life 5 contains 10 billion active cultures and improves colonization up to 10 times.

Try to also include fermented food & beverages such as greek yogurt (no sugar), water kefir, milk kefir, kombucha, kimchi, or sauerkraut. These fermented foods and drinks are high in probiotics. Go to your local health food store for all of these (or brew your own... or contact me for grains to get started on your own)! I take Life 5 DAILY along with drinking Kombucha!


Young Living’s Core Supplement Kit contains EVERYTHING you need for gut health (Master Formula, Life 5, OmegaGize, and Longevity).  I would also add in Essentialzyme for the breaking down and absorption of vitamins and minerals from your f…

Young Living’s Core Supplement Kit contains EVERYTHING you need for gut health (Master Formula, Life 5, OmegaGize, and Longevity).  I would also add in Essentialzyme for the breaking down and absorption of vitamins and minerals from your food!

Help the gut ease back into proper functioning by taking digestive enzyme supplements, such as Essentialzyme. Continue taking Life 5 probiotics for gut health maintenance. Try to eat ½ a plate of vegetables at each meal and also eat something raw at each meal. “Raw” foods provide live enzymes! This could be an apple, mixed salad, or raw cheese.

Young Living’s Core Supplement Kit contains EVERYTHING you need for gut health (Master Formula, Life 5, OmegaGize, and Longevity) and I would also add in Essentialzyme for the breaking down and absorption of vitamins and minerals from your food!

Ask Santa (or Me!) for Help Stuffing Your Stocking with Essential Oils


Holidays can be exciting! Just try to enjoy the company more than the second plate of food! Get plenty of sleep and rest for the gut. And, oh yeah… ask Santa for a stocking full of Young Living supplements and essential oils!

Christie Brooks, Registered Dietitian

Level 1 CrossFit Trainer

Young Living Essential Oils Distributor & Educator #1376241


Major Discount: Save Now on the Young Living Primium Starter Kit

Calling ALL existing Young Living Members and ALL those who've been on the fence about joining! NOW is the time! 

New and existing members: The best time to buy a Premium Starter Kit is NOW through August 14th!

New and existing members: The best time to buy a Premium Starter Kit is NOW through August 14th!

From July 13 through August 14, we’re offering a major discount of 10 percent off Premium Starter Kits for existing members and a $10 discount for all new members! Better still, there is no limit for existing members—so order as many as you’d like! Please note that this offer does not include Aria or NingXia Red versions of the Premium Starter Kits.

10 oils + 1 bonus oil = The BEST way to start your Young Living journey.

10 oils + 1 bonus oil = The BEST way to start your Young Living journey.

Be sure to visit Virtual Office to take advantage of amazing offer! If you have any questions or are new to Young Living please contact me or one of our Tree of Life Contributors. 

New Young Living Premium Starter Kit

After 20 Years We Are Just Getting Started...
— Travis Ogden, Young Living's chief operating officer, opening last week’s New Premium Starter Kit introductory meeting and special unveiling in Ft. Worth, TX.
Our favorite quote from the meeting was "I don't make it for a profit, I make it for a purpose." Gary Young

Our favorite quote from the meeting was "I don't make it for a profit, I make it for a purpose." Gary Young

Lindsey Barger (Young Living Executive Leader), Sabra Bland (Young Living Senior Star) and I (Dena Jones, Young Living Silver Leader) had the opportunity to attend the New Kit unveiling and we are excited to share all about:

  • the NEW Starter Kit
  • the new Love It? Share It! program
  • EO Magazine
  • AND your chance to win your very own bottle of R.C.

New Kit, New Look

Sleek new look, same world-leading quality.

Sleek new look, same world-leading quality.

First off, the new packaging is gorgeous! Young Living’s sleek new marketing – think Apple – matches our position as an essential oils world leader. I love the quote on the front of the box: "It's not a slogan—it's our calling."

A Peek Inside

When you open the box, you’ll see 10 oils on top. This part of the box is removable and has a display stand on the back, perfect for when you are sharing with friends, teaching a class or displaying them at a booth.

Underneath the oils, you’ll find:

  • 1 Stress Away (your 11th bonus oil)
  • 2 samples of Ningxia Red
  • 10 oil sample packets
  • 1 AromaGlide
  • 10 sample size oil bottles
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Cards
  • Member enrollment form

New Kit, New Labels

I also love the new labels. The front of the bottle contains a see-through window, and an oil level line on the back so you can easily see how much oil is left in the bottle. The label also includes a barcode for shipping purposes.

New bottle front with see-through window.

New bottle front with see-through window.

New bottle back, love the convenient oil level line!

New bottle back, love the convenient oil level line!

New Kit, New Oils

The starter kit contains 3 new oils:

  • R.C.
  • DiGize
  • Copaiba

These replaced Joy, Citrus Fresh and Tee Tree.

Premium Starter Kit Oils                                            

Here are the 11 oils in the new starter kit. 

Stress Away

This blend is a natural solution created to combat normal stresses that creep into everyday life. Stress Away is the first product to contain the unique stress-relieving combination of lime and vanilla pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. Stress Away also includes copaiba and lavender to reduce mental rigidity and restore equilibrium. Featuring powerful plant constituents, such as the cedrol found in cedarwood and the eugenol that occurs naturally in vanilla, Stress Away can help induce relaxation and reduce occasional nervous tension.


Known as the "Swiss Army Knife" of essential oils, Lavender is powerful and versatile. Its refreshing scent brings a sense of peace and harmony.


Peppermint's fresh, energizing aroma is highly regarded for supporting normal digestion, including promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal system comfort.


This species (Boswellia carterii) includes the naturally occurring constituent boswellic acid, and has a woodsy, warm, balsamic aroma. Diffuse Frankincense during meditation for grounding and purpose. Applying this oil topically may help smooth the appearance of healthy-looking skin, and is excellent to use for massage after activity.


Cold pressed from the rinds of fresh, ripe lemons, Lemon has a pleasant and cheerful aroma. It can lift spirits, soothe troubled or oily complexions, and aid in digestive wellness and weight management. It is also great for cleansing and removing sticky residue. Use it to flavor food or your favorite recipe.


Unlike any other essential oil, copaiba is tapped directly from the tree, rather than being distilled. It is a powerful essential oil from South America that has traditionally been used to aid digestion and support the body's natural response to injury or irritation. Copaiba contains the highest amounts of beta caryophyllene (55 percent) of any known essential oil.


Thieves essential oil blend was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals to use while robbing the dead and dying. Young Living’s one-of-a-kind Thieves blend, crafted in the spirit of that legendary combination, can be found in all of our Thieves products. When taken internally, Thieves supports healthy immune function. It also includes Eucalyptus radiata essential oil, which may help maintain a healthy respiratory system.


A blend containing wintergreen, helichrysum, clove and peppermint essential oil, PanAway is often used for massage. Rub PanAway essential oil blend on muscles to help alleviate stressed muscles or other physical discomforts.


An invigorating blend that includes three varieties of eucalyptus, R.C. is comforting when applied to chest, neck and throat.


This blend combines citronella, lemongrass, rosemary, and myrtle. Purification gained popularity for its ability to neutralize odors, soothe insect bites, and its crisp, refreshing aroma that helps calm, uplift, and refresh the mind. It is also an excellent choice to soothe skin.


Combining powerful essential oils traditionally used for digestive support, this proprietary blend contains ginger, anise, fennel, peppermint, tarragon, lemongrass, patchouli, lemongrass, and juniper essential oils. Use DiGize with every meal, to support a daily wellness regimen.

New Kit, New Flex Oils

In addition to these 11 oils, Young Living has selected 5 "Flex Oils." These oils may be substituted in the event of sourcing constraints or supply considerations. This way the starter kit will always be available for purchase.

Here are the 5 Flex Oils:

Tee Tree

One of the gentlest essential oils available, it possesses powerful properties that are essential for the skin. It helps to moisturize and beautify the appearance of the skin.


AromaEase has a clean, nurturing scent that is calming and relaxing. It utilizes the powerful constituents found in ginger, cardamom, peppermint, fennel, and spearmint essential oils to help soothe occasional stress.


Lemongrass has a fresh, citrus-herb aroma traditionally used to support normal digestion. It is one of the most versatile essential oils. It can promote proper function of ligaments and tendons as well as proper lymph flow.

Citrus Fresh

Its sweet, fruity combination of orange, tangerine, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit and spearmint make Citrus Fresh the perfect uplifting aroma. It supports the immune system and overall health while bringing about a sense of well-being, creativity, and feelings of joy. It is also a great addition to your favorite beverage.


Orange is high in antioxidants and supports a healthy immune system for overall well-being. Its sunny, sweet, and fruity aroma lifts the spirits while calming the body and mind. It is also a wonderful way to enhance the flavor of many foods and drinks.

New Kit, New Love it? Share it! Program

The Love it? Share it! program is a great new addition to the kit. There are three simple steps to get ready, get S.E.T. and go with Young Living.

  1. S-tart: Sign up as a wholesale member with a premium starter kit. Once you purchase your kit you have already begun this stage in your Young Living journey.
  2. E-ssential Rewards: Join our exclusive loyalty program to easily make our essential oil-infused solutions a part of your everyday lifestyle. 
  3. T-hree=Free: Share your love of essential oils with three friends and help them start their journey. You can earn at least $150 in commissions and bonuses, making your initial investment in the premium starter kit free!

The sample bottles and cards that are now included in the starter kit are a great way for you to start sharing with friends, family and co-workers. If you need additional samples order at

I LOVE that I get to SHARE this new program with you.

I LOVE that I get to SHARE this new program with you.

I love the opportunity with Young Living to achieve Wellness with the essential oils and products they offer. I feel a sense of Purpose when I am sharing and helping others live a healthier, happier lifestyle, and I enjoy the Abundance available in building a team.

This new Love It? Share It! program makes it easier to help others on their journey to Wellness, Purpose and Abundance. The Young Living Roadmap included in the kit is another great tool. This outlines your journey to success, helps you get started on the right foot, set goals and reach your dreams!

New Kit, New Diffuser Options

Choose a Home Diffuser, Dewdrop Diffuser or Bamboo Diffuser. Diffuser choices mean you get exactly what you want.

Choose a Home Diffuser, Dewdrop Diffuser or Bamboo Diffuser. Diffuser choices mean you get exactly what you want.

Another new exciting feature of the New Premium Starter Kit? The Choose your Diffuser option. Once you select you kit, you will be able to choose a Home Diffuser, Dewdrop Diffuser or Bamboo Diffuser. You will also have the option to upgrade to an Aria Diffuser for an additional charge. This is another great idea to help members get exactly what they want.

New Kit, New Magazine

EO Magazine: Coming to news stands near you!

EO Magazine: Coming to news stands near you!

This introductory meeting had many surprises, and this last one is no exception. Young Living has partnered with a third party and will now include a copy of EO, the Essential Oils Magazine in every New Starter Kit. This magazine will initially be featured at Barnes & Noble and Hastings. This Fall you will be able to find this magazine in the grocery store check out line right next to People Magazine! And guess who the only advertiser in this magazine is? Young Living!

Existing Members: Pre-Order Now!

Are you ready to purchase your New Premium Starter Kit? Existing members can pre-order up to 5 kits before the official launch in June. There is a special ordering banner on the front page of the Virtual Office.

The R.C. Challenge: Comment for your Chance to WIN

Comment about R.C. for your chance to win your very own bottle!

Comment about R.C. for your chance to win your very own bottle!

Ed Dailey, RN, a featured speaker at the event, spoke about taking charge of our own health care. "Better health care, arises from better self care." He uses Young Living Essential Oils in integrated hospital care, and joked that he is in the "health" part of the health care field.

He gave all of us a challenge which I would like to pass on to you. He said that we should spend time on each oil and learn all that we can about it. Since we have 3 oils that are new to this kit as well as 3 flex oils that have not previously been featured in the starter kit, let's spend time over the next several months learning all that we can about these oils.

So here's the CHALLENGE: For the next month, learn all you can about R.C. What is in it, what is it used for? LEARN, LEARN LEARN! If you make a comment on the blog about R.C., you will be entered into a drawing to win a free bottle of R.C. Ready, go learn and comment!

Join Tree of Life Today

The three of us had a great time in Ft. Worth. If you have an opportunity to attend a Young Living corporate event, I would strongly recommend that you go. We offer classes every month and love teaching people about essential oils. If you would like to become of member of Young Living Essential Oils, you can join the Tree of Life team by clicking HERE!

Contact us:

Dena Jones, Young Living Silver Leader #1410697


Lindsey Barger, Young Living Executive Leader #1554654


Sabra Bland, Young Living Senior Star #1902094


Top 10 Essential Oils to Survive a Deserted Island

Ok. Chances are you won’t be stranded on an island, but are you prepared to handle emergencies? FEMA recommends that we have basic supplies – food, water, first aid kit, flashlight, battery-powered radio, and medications – on hand necessary to survive for at least 72 hours. I suggest that we all also need an emergency oil kit

Emergency Kit Guidelines

Your well-stocked emergency kit is an essential piece of your family's preparedness for whatever comes your way.

Your well-stocked emergency kit is an essential piece of your family's preparedness for whatever comes your way.

In an emergency, we may not have time to have oils shipped to our doorstep from Young Living. Instead, they should be with you at all times. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Create an on-the-go first aid kit for your car, purse or diaper bag.
  • Keep a kit easily accessible in your home.
  • Ensure your emergency oils bottles are full, you may need them to last several days.

Top 10 Emergency Kit Essential Oils

Be prepared with your emergency oil kit.

Be prepared with your emergency oil kit.

1. Lavender

Claim to Fame: Known as the "Swiss Army Knife" or "Mother" of essential oils, lavender can be applied to cuts, scrapes, cold sores, insect bites, rashes or acne to soothe and cleanse. It also encourages proper immune response to histamines.

Quick Tips: Diffuse, add to Epsom salt bath, or apply topically to promote relaxation and restful sleep.

2. Lemon

Quick Tips: Add lemon to an Epsom salt bath to accelerate detoxing. Use on surfaces to help clean and sanitize. Add to water to help cleanse impurities.

3. Peppermint

Claim to Fame: Peppermint helps relieve, relax and soothe tired, overworked muscles. It may help with headaches or pain.

Quick Tips: Use in an empty capsule with carrier oil to help support normal digestion. Apply to back of neck for cooling and refreshing relief.

4. Copaiba

Claim to Fame: Copaiba supports healthy joint and cartilage function.

Quick Tip: Use to amplify the intensity of other oils.

5. Helichrysum

Claim to Fame: Helichrysum supports circulatory health and has restorative properties.  

6. Frankincense

Claim to Fame: Frankincense may help promote emotional well-being and healthy lung function.

7. Oregano

Claim to Fame: One of the most powerful and versatile essential oils, oregano contains strong immune-enhancing support and antioxidant properties. It also helps support the respiratory system.

8. Clove

Claim to Fame: Clove contains high amounts of eugenol which may support the body’s natural defenses and natural response to stress. It may also support healthy oral care.

9. Lemongrass

Claim to Fame: One of the most versatile essential oils, lemongrass promotes the proper function of ligaments and tendons. It can help with proper lymph flow and may support the digestive system.

10. Thieves

Claim to Fame: Inspired by the legend of 15th century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination of essential oils to rob those who had died of the black plague, thieves may support a healthy immune system.

Other oils to consider adding to your emergency kit: Trauma Life, Aroma Life, DiGize, Melrose, RC, Purification, Wintergreen

First Aid Kit Quick Reference Guide

Print this list out and add it to your kit! Until you are familiar with using essential oils you will probably forget what to use, especially in stressful situations. Helpful Hint: Grab Stress Away first, calm down, and get help if needed.

  • Cuts & Scrapes—Lavender, Purification, Melrose, Frankincense, Tea Tree
  • Digestive Support—Peppermint, DiGize, Ginger
  • Insect Bites & Stings—Lavender, Thieves, Purification, PanAway
  • Splinter—Thieves, Lavender
  • Sprains & Strains—Peppermint, PanAway, Wintergreen, Copaiba, Lemongrass
  • Allergy Support—Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Purification
  • Headache—Peppermint, PanAway, Stress Away
  • Panic/Anxiety—Lavender, Stress Away, Frankincense
  • Water Purification—Lemon
  • Bleeding—Helichrysum, Cistus, PanAway
  • Gum/Teeth Health—Clove, Thieves, Tea Tree
  • Respiratory Support—R.C., Frankincense, Lemon, Raven, Eucalyptus
  • Broken Bones—Wintergreen, PanAway

Pop Quiz: Preparedness Knowledge

Time's up! The answer is make your emergency oil kit today.

Time's up! The answer is make your emergency oil kit today.

Time to put your preparedness knowledge to the test!

  1. What oil would you put on a broken bone?
  2. If someone had a severe cut, what oil could you use?
  3. What oil would be good to support your immune system?
  4. If you sprain your ankle, what oil would you use?
  5. If you had tooth pain and could not get treatment immediately what oil could help?
  6. If you had a cough, what oil could you try to soothe it?
  7. What oil would be good for mood support?
  8. If you hurt your back, what oil would be good to put on it?

Last question: what’s in your emergency kit? Let me know in the comments!

I love teaching people about essential oils! If you have questions or need help with the answers to the quiz, I’ll be happy to help. Contact me at 501-626-1954 or And don’t forget to join the Tree of Life team by clicking HERE!

Have a great day!

Dena Jones, Young Living Silver Leader #1410697