Young Living September Promotion: Fall in Love with Free!

Fall is one of the most exciting times of the year—it’s when school is back in session, football season is under way, and we get to watch the leaves change! We’re excited to welcome September by offering exclusive rewards for this month’s PV promotion. With your qualifying order, you can earn free bottles of Lemon, Tangerine, and Aroma Life™ essential oils, plus much more!

Better yet, this month's rewards include a larger 15-ml bottle of Tangerine essential oil! Reach any of the following PV minimums with your September order and earn these great free products:

Fall is here, and so is the Young Living September promotion. Earn Lemon and Tangerine essential oil and more with your qualifying purchase! 

Fall is here, and so is the Young Living September promotion. Earn Lemon and Tangerine essential oil and more with your qualifying purchase! 

  • 5-ml Lemon: Lemon essential oil includes the naturally occurring constituent limonene. Lemon has a delightful citrus taste and is a versatile option for enhancing the flavor of foods and drinks, from roasted vegetables to lemonade.
  • 15-ml TangerineTangerine essential oil helps support a healthy lifestyle regimen.* This oil adds a sweet citrus flavor to foods and water and is a bright complement to marinades, side dishes, and dressings.
  • Mineral Essence (3.6 fl. oz.): Mineral Essence™ is a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex enhanced with essential oils.
  • 10 percent in Essential Rewards points: Earn an additional 10 percent back in points with any order over 300 PV, up to 50 points! Your Essential Rewards points can be used like cash toward many of your favorite products!
  • Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Aroma Life: Aroma Life combines the harmonizing scent of Ylang Ylang with powerhouse essential oils such as Cypress, Helichrysum, and Marjoram. With a fresh, vibrant aroma, this blend can energize any atmosphere when diffused. Only available in qualifying Essential Rewards orders of 190 PV or more. 

Need any help with your order? Let us know at Happy shopping! 


    Happy (Oily) Mother's Day!

    As a little girl, I would dress up and “be” lots of things…a chef, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher, an interior designer. Now, I don’t have to pretend anymore. I became all these things when I chose to be a mom!

    I cook for my kids, I tend to their hurts and wounds, and I’m a teacher and a homemaker. In other words, I wear quite a few hats. I love maturing and growing in my motherhood, and I especially cherish each time I enter a season when I learn how to be just a little bit better at one of these roles. 

    A New Season: Oily Mom

    My 5 Oily Kiddos: Brendan, Ashlyn, Kayden, Meagan, & Aspen.

    My 5 Oily Kiddos: Brendan, Ashlyn, Kayden, Meagan, & Aspen.

    About 4 years ago, I began what I like to call my “oily mom” season. I started learning all about natural remedies and how to tend to my children’s physical needs in a new way. It has been such a blessing to discover how to use essential oils as the first line of health support for my children. I can say that this season has changed each member of our family, especially my kids.

    In so many areas of our lives, oils have brought us relief, health, peace, focus, and protection. Even more exciting, it has brought us closer together as a family, especially in the relationships between my kids and me.

    The Beginning of our Oily Journey


    In the beginning of our oily journey, I knew very little about what I was doing. I just knew I was eager and excited, and I felt confident that Young Living was a company I could use on my children. I also knew that I could always apply the oils to my kids’ feet and that they would benefit from this basic application. So, I began to do nothing more than use a drop or two of oil to support good moods, digestion, better sleep, respiratory system health and more. As I applied the oils to my kids’ feet, I prayed for whatever was bothering them, asking the Lord to use these living oils.

    We were never disappointed! Aches eased. Kids slept through the night. Moods softened. I felt like I was able to give my kids something I had never given them before, and I felt the most equipped to be their mom than I had ever felt. 

    The Real Miracle


    As wonderful as this was, the real miracle – the melt-a-mom’s-heart development – came next. My kids began to come to me. They would let me know when they were frustrated, before it got bad, and ask for me to hold them, rub oils on their feet, and pray for them so they would feel better. They saw me as a trusted place to bring their hurts in a way that they had never felt before. All of a sudden, I was spending time every day, hearing the “owies” in my kids’ hearts and bodies, laying hands on them, and bringing them comfort. This opened a whole new door in the intimacy and relationship between each of my kids and me! What mom doesn’t want her kids to bring her their troubles and actually feel equipped to help them? 

    Now, years down the road, I still get to be the first line of health support for my kids. They ask for my wisdom, and they are learning to develop their own. They no longer just ask for help most of the time, they ask for the specific oil they need because they have learned right alongside their Mom. While the older ones can now apply most oils themselves, they still love to have Mom apply them and spend a few moments letting me take care of them. It’s such a blessing to be an Oily Mom and raise Oily Kids! Here is very brief glimpse of how this gift looks in our home with kids ages 3-15.

    A Word from My Kids


    Brendan tackles sore muscles and smelly football gear with his favorite oils: Aroma Siez, Pan Away and Purification.

    Brendan tackles sore muscles and smelly football gear with his favorite oils: Aroma Siez, Pan Away and Purification.

    Brenden, age 15, “After a long football practice, I like to use Aroma Siez and Pan Away to help keep my muscles from being so sore. It works so great! I also like to use Purification to keep my football bag, cleats, and gear from smelling like football gear. That is not a good smell! My mom helps me put cotton balls in my shoes and bag and uses the oils in my laundry. It really helps.”


    Ashlyn's fresh idea for concentration and quick cleaning fixes? Lemon.

    Ashlyn's fresh idea for concentration and quick cleaning fixes? Lemon.

    Ashlyn, age 13, “I like lemon oil the best. It helps me concentrate and focus when I study. We diffuse it in our homeschool classroom and it’s especially great when I am taking tests. I also like to put it in my water. It’s really cool too, because lemon helps to take away stains and get sticky things out of the carpet and off counters. It’s a great dry erase board cleaner!  It’s an added bonus that it smells really fresh and clean as well!”


    Kayden's heart has been stolen by thieves. It's great to ward off germs.

    Kayden's heart has been stolen by thieves. It's great to ward off germs.

    Kayden, age 12, “Thieves oil is my favorite oil blend. Whenever I feel bad or start to feel bad, I like to rub Thieves on my feet to help me feel better. I also use it to sanitize my hands so I don’t get anyone else sick. It smells wonderful when we put some in the diffuser to help purify the air.”


    Meagan sleeps tight with the help of Dream Catcher. For a rough day, she reaches for Joy (of course).

    Meagan sleeps tight with the help of Dream Catcher. For a rough day, she reaches for Joy (of course).

    Maegan, age 9, “My favorite oil is probably Dream Catcher because it helps me sleep really well and not have bad dreams. I used to get scared at night, but Dream Catcher helps me feel calm and not afraid. I also love Joy oil. I rub it on my chest and feet and back of my neck when I feel anxious and sad, and it really brings me JOY!”


    Aspen has discovered what makes lavender lovely. (And an important essential oils lesson).

    Aspen has discovered what makes lavender lovely. (And an important essential oils lesson).

    Aspen, age 3, “I like to breathe the oils like this. I like the lavender oil on my feet when I get jammas on and I like it on my itchies when I get a s’quito bite. Oh, and we don’t put oils in our eyes!”

    Oily Moms Sound Off: What’s Your Story?

    So, in honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, I thought I would share this testimony and some great advice from my kiddos with you. I pray you get the chance to connect with your kids this way. I hope we can learn together as Oily Moms and raise Oily Kids who are well-equipped to use the many resources God has given us!

    As you celebrate Mother’s Day, I invite you to share a testimony here of how you use oils as an Oily Mom! If you want to learn more about how to use Young Living oils for your family, we would love to have you as part of the Tree of Life community! 

    Young Living May Promotion: Hello,Summer

    Start the summer off right with exotic Ocotea and bright, citrusy Grapefruit with your qualifying May order! Add warm-weather favorites to your collection when you earn a free 5-ml Ocotea essential oil, plus a $20 enrollment coupon and NingXia Nitro™14-pack. Check out what you can earn:

    Greet summer by earning exclusive rewards including Ocotea essential oil, Grapefruit, $20 enrollment coupon & NingXia Nitro.

    Greet summer by earning exclusive rewards including Ocotea essential oil, Grapefruit, $20 enrollment coupon & NingXia Nitro.

    • Ocotea: A primary ingredient used in Slique™ Essence and Slique Tea™, Ocotea essential oil has a complex flavor profile.
    • $20 enrollment coupon: Your friends and contacts can join Young Living at a special price with $20 off enrollment.
    • NingXia Nitro: One of our Oil Infused Lifestyle™ products, NingXia Nitro™ lifts clarity while providing energy support when you need it most.*
    • Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Grapefruit essential oil: Another key ingredient in Slique Essence, Grapefruit has a fresh, zesty flavor and contains the naturally occurring constituent limonene. Only available in qualifying Essential Rewards orders of 190 PV or more.

    Have You Ever Been a HOT MESS?

    I am not a young woman anymore. In fact, as a grandmother of six, one might suggest that I am a middle-aged woman. How do you know you are a middle-aged woman? 

    Hot flashes.  Yes, hot flashes. 

    Those unpredictable feelings of physical heat that cause your neck to heat up, your upper lip to sweat, and your brain to completely stop functioning…except to scream to your body, “TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES!”

    Hot Flashes: I’ve Got an Oil for That!

    This pretty little pink bottle changed my life! Thank you, Progessence Plus Serum!

    This pretty little pink bottle changed my life! Thank you, Progessence Plus Serum!

    About three years ago, my hot flashes were consuming me, one or more per hour ALL DAY. They were so intense that people sitting on the same couch could feel the heat radiating from my body. One day, as I fanned myself during a church service, my friend leaned over and said those classic words, “I’ve got an oil for that!” 

    Keep in mind that I had never heard of essential oils, so my mind immediately conjured images of cooking oil, spray Pam, and Crisco. Positive that my friend was completely crazy, I humored her by accepting her invitation to her essential oil class…whatever that was! At the class around the kitchen table, others discussed oils in cute little bottles. The smell was delicious. 

    Finally, I spoke up and asked about hot flashes. My friend scurried off to another room and produced a bottle of oil: Progessence Plus Serum. She dabbed a little on my wrist and said, “Let me know when you have another hot flash.” HA! I started counting down, “ten, nine, eight…” Nothing. Nada. No hot flash the rest of the evening. I was sold! Four hours later, still no heat. I felt like a miracle in the flesh.

    Just a dab will send hot flashes on vaca. Bye, bye!

    Just a dab will send hot flashes on vaca. Bye, bye!

    The next day, still zero hot flashes. It was like they were on vacation. By the middle of the third day, they returned from vaca, and it felt like they had brought an army of friends! Scorching HOT friends! I ran to my little oil stash, still in its packaging from two nights previous, rummaged through to find that pretty little bottle with the pink label and dabbed a bit more on my wrists. The smell was like coming home. Absolutely divine!

    After consistent use, I noticed some changes. My family noticed those changes, too.  My hair stopped falling out, my monthly crazies were less crazy, my skin looked brighter, my weight stopped multiplying, my headaches were less frequent, and my sleep was deeper and more refreshing – all because of that precious little bottle of oil.

    Oil Together Now!

    Progessence Plus Serum changed my life! I will forever be grateful to my crazy friend for introducing me to the world of essential oils. May I introduce essential oils to you? May I help you begin a chemical free, life-changing journey? It would be my privilege to share my knowledge and love for essential oils with you. My Facebook page is Oil Together Now, because let’s face it, it’s more fun to learn and oil together! Contact me at for more information or visit my website. Happy oiling!

    My TOP 5 Young Living Essential Oils

    When I decided to share my TOP 5 Young Living Essential Oils, I had to think about it. I love and use so many of them in my family’s daily life, and it was (really) hard to choose! BUT I have risen to the task, and finally come up with my must-have list.

    My TOP 5 Young Living Essential Oils: Thieves, Myrrh, Frankincense, DiGize & Idaho Balsam Fir

    My TOP 5 Young Living Essential Oils: Thieves, Myrrh, Frankincense, DiGize & Idaho Balsam Fir

    Thieves Essential Oil Blend

    I would bet this oil is on about 99% of people’s must-have lists. We use Thieves Essential Oil blend on the bottom of our feet daily to help with immune system support. It is also diffused often around our house to purify the air. We LOVE all of our Thieves-infused products like Thieves Household Cleaner and Thieves natural hand sanitizer. Don’t leave home without your Thieves!

    Fun Fact: Did you know Thieves got its name from thieves (also perfumers by trade) who were robbing the graves of people who had died from the black plague? Finally when the thieves were captured, they gave up their recipe for staying healthy and not catching the black plague for a lighter sentence from the King. The recipe we use today for our Thieves Essential Oil blend comes from those thieves. How Cool!

    Myrrh Essential Oil

    This oil is my favorite “beauty” oil. Every night I apply Myrrh all over my face. It leaves my skin feeling soft but not greasy and helps maintain clear skin. It has evened out my skin tone and helped rid me of those icky dry skin patches, too. I also loved this oil for my belly when I was pregnant. I used it regularly with coconut oil to keep my skin looking clear and smooth.

    Fun Tip: Is your Myrrh Oil bottle lid constantly getting stuck? Rub some coconut oil all along the rim of the bottle and inside the lid. It will loosen the lid and keep it easy to open for months!

    Frankincense Essential Oil

    Love love love this oil! Not only is it one of the Bible oils given to baby Jesus, but it also has great benefits. In the history books it says it was used from head to toe. When in doubt and not sure what oil to use, I pick up my Frankincense first. It relaxes me and supports skin health. I have also noticed that applying this oil daily to my little one keeps him in a much better mood overall and helps maintain his health. Many people also like to use it daily on the face for fine lines and wrinkles. Frankincense is an oil you can’t go wrong with!

    Fun Fact: Did you know Frankincense Oil is actually produced from the resin of the Frankincense tree? The tree looks like a giant Bonsai tree. Check it out!

    Giant Bonsai? Nope, it's a Frankincense Tree.

    Giant Bonsai? Nope, it's a Frankincense Tree.

    DiGize Essential Oil Blend

    DiGize is my go-to if I eat too much, eat the wrong thing or even just don’t feel quite right. I also used it a lot while I was pregnant to help with that stubborn burning sensation in my throat every time I ate anything! It is my favorite oil for digestion support. 

    Fun Tip: Can’t remember what DiGize is used for? Just think, DiGize = Digestion

    Idaho Balsam Fir Essential Oil

    From the beginning, I always loved the smell of this oil and was drawn to it. It helps me feel relaxed and eases my mind when it’s racing. I have also learned to love it for a better night’s rest as part of my bedtime routine.

    Fun Tip: If for some reason I don’t have any Frankincense on hand, I typically grab my Idaho Balsam Fir instead.

    What are your top 5 favorite Young Living Essential Oils? I’d love to hear what you have to say! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like more information. Have a blessed oily day!



    Young Living April Promotion: Spring is in the Air!

    Bring freshness back to your home with extra rewards in your April order! Celebrate the end of winter when you earn a free 5-ml Lavender essential oil, plus a Thieves® Spray 3-pack and 10 percent back in Essential Rewards points with your qualifying standard April order. With a qualifying Essential Rewards order of 190 PV or above, you’ll also earn a bonus 5-ml Wintergreen essential oil!

    Thieves, Lavender & more in the April promotion!

    Thieves, Lavender & more in the April promotion!

    Check out what you can earn with your qualifying April order:

    • 5-ml Lavender essential oil: Lavender essential oil offers a fresh, floral, herbaceous aroma that is calming and refreshing.
    • 3-pack Thieves Spray: Thieves Spray is ideal for small surfaces such as doorknobs, handles, and toilet seats and is a great companion for your spring cleaning.
    • 10 percent in Essential Rewards points: Earn an additional 10 percent back in points with any order over 300 PV, up to 50 points!
    • Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Wintergreen essential oil: As an important ingredient in our Ortho Ease® and Ortho Sport® massage oils, Wintergreen is pleasant when applied after a workout. When diffused, it will also help you fill your home with spring-like freshness. Only available in qualifying Essential Rewards orders of 190 PV or more.

    Which essential oil puts a Spring in your step?


    Young Living Premium Starter Kit!

    Enroll with the ultimate Young Living product and business experience and receive a 24% discount for LIFE! An extraordinary value that offers a comprehensive introduction to the power of essential oils, the Premium Starter Kit is the perfect option for those who are serious about transforming their lives. 

    The Premium Starter kit.

    The Premium Starter kit.

    Kit includes: Everyday Oils collection, Home Diffuser, Welcome to Young Living booklet, Essential Oils at a Glance user’s guide, Distributor Resource Guide, S.E.E.D. Sharing for Success booklet, Citrus Fresh 5-ml, AromaGlide Roller Fitment, two Lavender Sample Packets, two Peppermint Sample Packets, two Peace & Calming Sample Packets, two Lemon Sample Packets, two Thieves Sample Packets, Sample Packet Business Cards, two NingXia Red 2-oz. samples, Distributor Agreement, Product Guide and Product Price List.

    Check out some of these amazing benefits you could experience with just the Everyday Oils Kit!


    If you are new to Young Living Oils, I recommend starting with the Premium Starter kit. Please let me know so we can assist you in your journey, and check back often for tips on how to use oils in your everyday life :-)